Yoongi's Day with Us

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The alarm went off, telling us to get ready. I heard a bing come from my phone, I picked it up and read the message out loud.
"Today is a non-school uniform day, any problems caused by this will be punished." I read out loud.
"Well, this will be fun, let's use my clothes." Jennie said. We all went into her walk-in wardrobe. We tried on so many different clothes but I finally found the right one for me. I went to the mirror and done my makeup and hair.

 I went to the mirror and done my makeup and hair

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"Perfect." I said to myself once I was done.
"Come on girls, let's go we're already late!" Jisoo said and we all ran out the door.

We arrived at school half an hour late. We ran into the class and the teacher looked at us.
"Soz miss, we overslept." Rose said and we all walked to our seats.
"That's detention for all 5 of you then." The teacher said as she turned back around.
"Aww. She thinks that we care, how cute!" I squealed.
"Y/N! Go stand outside!" The teacher yelled.
"Ugh! Fine!" I moaned and I walked out of the class. Bloody teachers, they know what happened with my father yet they are even more horrible than normal.

A man came out of the class and I recognised him immediately.
"Hey Min Yoongi!" I said sarcastically.
"Why are you so naught?" He asked me.
"I'm not naughty, the things I do are naughty. But does anyone ask me why? No of course not, because they are so self absorbed and only care about discipline." I told him.
"Um..." he didn't know what to say.
"Can I go back in now?" I asked. Before he could answer, I went back inside.

"You ok?" Jisoo whispered as I sat back down.
"Perfectly fine." I said. The lesson flew past and it was now lunch. We went to our table at lunch and sat down.
"So, did you find anything out about them Jisoo?" Jennie asked.
"In fact I did. Jungkook hates being called Oppa, Taehyung can easily be annoyed, Seokjin hates being called Seokjinnie, Jimin... well, just tell him he's doing something wrong all the time, J-hope just knock shoulders with him for a while and he's practically done, Brake something and blame it on Namjoon and Yoongi, just wake him up." Jisoo told us.
"Ok, I've got an idea." Lisa said. She grabbed my hand and we walked out of the canteen.

"Right what we're going to do is..." Lisa told me, I smirked.
"Ok, let's find them." I said. We walked round the school, trying to find BTS. We walked past the music block when we heard people talking. We walked closer and listened in to their conversation.

"Well, I don't think they know yet."
"Yeah, Y/n was shocking in class today, she just doesn't care anymore."
"Well, we can only do what we're told."
"Anyway, get used to them, we'll be stuck with them for a year or so." Wait, what? I looked at Lisa and she looked at me. Well, time to let them know we're here.

We grabbed the bag full of paper and threw them into the room
"What the hell?" Yoongi appeared at the window. We dumped the rest in the room and ran for it. "COME BACK YOU BRATS!" He yelled, we ran and ran, we couldn't stop laughing.

We slowly arrived back to the music block.
"OMG! They called me Oppa AGAIN !"
"One hit my head!"
"Wow, they said I need to sleep more. I - ugh!"
"They accused me of breaking the bench in the canteen!"
"They told me I can't dance!"
"They told me to watch my back."

Jisoo, Jennie and Rose appeared and listened with us, we were in fits of laughter. We laughed so much our side began to laugh.
"Hey you brats!" We looked to see Jungkook walking towards us. We quickly ran, all the way to Jennie's. Who cares about the classes we'll miss. I wonder who we'll be with tomorrow...

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