The Woods

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It's all clear now... the last act wasn't for us to do something... it was warning us for what was to happen... and it's all my fault... if I hadn't have met them, if I could change the past... none of this would have happened!
"Y/n, it's not your fault... we love you... please..." I heard Lisa's voice ringing in my ears.
"HEY WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!" Jennie yelled, bringing me back to my senses.

The bushes moved and out came Rose and Jisoo.
"Omg guys! What happened?" Rose asked as she came over to us.
"Rose..." Jisoo said, causing her to look where she was. There in front of us were BTS, with... guns...

"So you finally came

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"So you finally came." Taehyung said.
"What do you want!" Jennie yelled, causing Namjoon to laugh.
"You've been replaced." He told us with a smirk, our eyes widened.
"Replaced? What do you mean?" Rose asked.
"You all became friends with Y/n then became like this, did you ever question why she came up with this idea?" Jungkook asked them.
"Your idiots." I said, walking forward.
"We all decided what we did, and why, if at all, did you warn us?" Lisa asked.
"Warn you?" Jimin asked.
"Wait... you didn't?" Rose asked, causing a confused look to fall on the boys faces.

"No, they didn't." A voice behind the tree said. The person walked into sight and we saw...
Miss Park!?

"This may seem surprising but I knew all you your parents. And we all vowed to look after each other and their kids. I wanted you but you didn't listen. But, I will do what is needed right now." Miss Park said. A loud bang was heard and Jungkook fell to the floor.
"JUNGKOOK!" All us girls yelled at the same time.

After being pulled into the car with Miss Park, we sat in complete silence. I couldn't believe what I had just seen. Miss Park, the headteacher of our high school, who HATES us... just shot the kpop idol Jeon Jungkook, to protect us. My brain is still struggling to process this.
"Miss, what is going on?" Rose asked.
"I know this is confusing, but, I'm helping you." Miss Park said.
"But we don't want it." I snapped.
"I know, but you need it." She argues back.
"No we didn't! Stop the car!" I yelled.
"SHUT UP CHILD!" Miss Park yelled.

The car stopped moments later, stepping out of the car revealed a huge mansion like house.
"Y/n..." I heard someone whisper.
"Yes?" I whispered back.
"We'll get out of here, she can't be trusted." I looked to see Jennie, she's telling me this.
"I know, let's wait till dark, I have a plan." I told her.

Darkness soon fell and we were sent to bed by Miss Trunchball, or as we know her, Miss Park.
"Y/n?" Jisoo asked.
"I know this is risky but we need their help." I said.
"They just tried to kill us!" Jennie said.
"But we do need help." Rose said, trying to reason with them.
"Fine... just call them." Jennie said.

I pulled out my phone and dialled a number, putting it on loudspeaker so the girls could hear.
"Hello?" I heard a voice say.
"Jungkook, we need your help." I said.
"Oh really, what makes you think that we will help you?" He asked mockingly.
"Look, I'm not going to beg." I replied.
"No asking you to." He said bluntly. There was an awkward silence then.
"Oh," I said, "how are you? You got shot did you not?" I asked him.
"I'm fine, got to go now. Bye." And with that he put the phone down.

"Something fishy is going on." Jisoo remarked.
"I believe so." Rose said. Suddenly we hear the clicking of heals.
"Quick, into bed." I said as we ran to our beds and hid under the covers. The door opened slightly and we heard someone enter. After a few minutes, that person left.

"Did you guys see who that was?" Jennie asked
"No." Lisa, Rose and I said in unison.
"I did." Jisoo said.
"Who was it?" Jennie asked.
"Jungkook." She said.

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