Second Act

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I walked for hours without knowing where I was going. I found myself on a train towards Seoul, there I will be invisible.

Once I got off, I walked around not  saying a word to anyone. Then, I stumbled across a graveyard I found familiar. I walked in and instantly recognised where I was. I wandered over to the stone engraved with one name. I read the writing out loud.

"Here lies
Lee Jin-Hyuk
Beloved father and Husband,
who will be missed."

I felt something warm on my cheek, running down it.
"I never wanted to be bad dad, none of the girls did. Dad I don't know what to do, help me. We have our next act tomorrow, and it's going to be a hard one. But the last one will break my heart. Please help me." I said as I began to cry harder than before.
"Y/n, it's ok." I turned to see the girls.
"Am I that predictable?" I asked, causing all of us to laugh.
"Ready for tomorrow?" Rose asked.
"Bring it on." I said.

We walked to a hotel and booked a room, sooner of later we fell asleep. The next day we got a train back to the house and knocked on the door. It swung open and Jungkook stood there, eyes widened.
"Where did you go!" He yelled, causing the others to come out.
"We came to say our final goodbyes, as we are going to Daegu now." Rose said.
"Why?" Jimin asked, oh god.
"We have a job to do, we've started it. And now we've got to end it." I told him and the others.

Without another word, we turned to leave.
"No! Please!" I felt a tug in my sleeve, I looked to see Taehyung. "Don't go..." He said, tears streaming down his cheeks.
"I...I'm sorry." I said and I walked away.

Evening came and it was time. We had already arrived in Daegu and are now backstage of Lisa's Sister's presentation.
"Ready?" Jisoo asked Lisa.
"As I'll ever be." She said and the presentation started. On to the stage walked Yuna, Lisa's Sister.
"Good evening lady's and gentlemen. Recently, we have had a scientific breakthrough with the pharmaceutical industry." Yuna began.

It was now halfway through and a smirk appeared on all of our faces. "With the new drug, thou-" She was cut off by her board began to go static. She frantically tried to fix it but was failing tremendously. As she went to turn it off, a picture of her popped up on the board, but not the one she wanted. It turned out to be a video, it was surveillance footage of her and Lisa.

*on the video*
"Your a curse Lisa!" Yuna yelled.
"How? I've done the best I could for myself and others!" Lisa said, she was clearly annoyed.
"Your the one that was born second, you should have never been born!" Yuna yelled,( the audience gasped)
"Y-Yuna..." Lisa trailed off.
"Here, drink this. It will make you feel better." Yuna said as she handed Lisa a cup.
"Thanks." Lisa said gullibly. She drank the liquid inside and instantly fell to the floor unconscious.
*end of video*

"That was Bleach." Lisa said as she walked on stage.
"You! What are you doing here!?!" Yuna yelled.
"This is Lisa, Yuna's sister." Jennie said as she too walked on stage. Yuna's face was a picture.
"Two week later, Lisa awoke from a coma, confused and betrayed." Rose said as she went on stage.
"The damage caused to her was huge." Jisoo said as she stepped foot on the stage.
"So let me ask you," I stepped on to the stage, "do you want someone like that," I said as I pointed at her, "to give you your medicine?" I asked.

After the whole thing was over, the police arrested Yuna for attempted manslaughter. And the girls and I? We prepared ourself for the last act... the one that would hurt us all the most.

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