Jennie's Dark Past

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When Jennie was just a child, her family fell on financial difficulties. She and her Mum were sent off to Mexico to get away from her fathers problems. After 2 years of no contact with her father, Jennie finally made her way home, to find it in ruins.

After searching for months, Jennie finally found her father... with a new woman. Her mother was now gravely ill and needed emergancy care. She was taken into hospital and Jennie needed the money from her father to pay for her mothers treatment. She asked her dad and he refused to pay anything. Jennie was beside herself, she was homeless and her mother could die any minute. Weeks passed and Jennie found Y/N, while Y/n wasn't from a wealthy family herself, she was there for her. Once her mum passed away, Y/n became like family to Jennie.

Y/n's PoV

I walked back into the house and said nothing to anyone. I went straight to the girls and I's room. I sat on my bed, clueless, until I heard a knock at the door.
"Go away!" I yelled as I laid on my bed. I heard the door creak open.
"Y/n." I heard the voice of Taehyung say.
"Can't people just listen to me for once!" I yelled into my pillow.
"Please, calm down." he told me, I felt the mattress I was on sink.
"KIM TAEHYUNG!" I yelled as I sat up and faced him.
"Shhhh.... its ok." he said calmly, he pulled me into his warm, soft hug and I finally felt safe. I don't know why though, I've only known this guy for five minutes. there was something about him, about all of them that I felt like I could trust. I pulled away from his warm hug and looked him in the eyes.
"Why are you being nice to me?" I asked him
"Because you deserve it." he told me.

Just then, the door burst open to reveal Jennie.
"Tae, I need to talk to Y/N." Jennie said to him.
"Ok." he said as he sat at the end of the bed.
"Alone Tae!" she said aggressively. Taehyung just nodded and quickly rushed out the room.
"What's up Jennie?" I asked her
"My father." She said bluntly my eyes widened.
"What, your biological one?" I asked as my voice wavered.
"Yeah, he's out. And he's after us." She said.

Last year her father got involved in some wrong things, and Jennie and I told the police, earning brownie points for us.
"How?! He shouldn't be out!" I yelled
"Well He is! And we are in danger!" She yelled back. The door opened revealing Jisoo, Rose and Lisa.
"What's happened?" Jisoo asked us.
"My father, he's back." Jennie told them. Their eyes widened.
"We need to leave, now!" Rose said as she began to panic.
"What if we tell the boys? They won't judge us." Lisa said.
"Lisa, you'd you like me to tell them about your life? No so shut up with the stupid ideas." I said.
"We just need to be calm and be careful." Jisoo said.

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