Dance class

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After Lunch, I walked to my next class by myself, this is the only class I'm not with any of the girls. I walked in and saw the teacher was already there.
"I'm late! I know!" I yelled as I walked in. I sat down and looked at him.
"Well, you know the price of being late to my lessons too well Miss Y/n." He told me.
"Sorry I'm late Sir." The door opened to reveal both Jungkook and Jimin. Oh my gwad! Somebody save me!
"That's ok boys, right girls and boys, go get changed into the dance clothes you have." He said and we all stood up and left to go to the changing rooms. I got changed and took my phone out and took a selfie.

 I got changed and took my phone out and took a selfie

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I went to Instagram and added the comment 'Dance now... Yawn! Let's see what detention hold in store for me...' and I hit post. My phone buzzed and I saw I had 12 comments and 25 likes. Smiling, I left the changing rooms and put my phone in my pocket.

I got back into the room and waited for the others. The teacher spotted me and headed over to me. Wow, Pedo alert!
"Y/n." He said
"Yes sir?" I replied.
"We have a odd number of dancers today, so you will have to dance with Jimin or Jungkook. They both know the dances we are doing so it should be easy, just chose." He told me. I sighed.
"Couldn't I just sit out?" I asked.
"Well, you do have detention with me so, I guess you could." He told me and he walked away. THANK GOD!

The students came back in the room, following Jimin and Jungkook.
"You've got to be kidding me." I said to myself as Jungkook came over to me.
"Hello again." He said
"How was the bus ride? Peaceful I guess." I said as I did a peace sign with my fingers.
"Well it would have been if it wasn't for you." He told me, I just giggled. A smile crept into his face and I stopped giggling. I looked away and waited for the class to start.

The class was pretty boring, not gonna lie. It's one of those where the teacher didn't teach, the students were all working hard and I was on the floor, on my phone. The bell went and everyone went to leave.
"Y/n, don't forget your detention!" The teacher yelled.
"Ok!" I yelled back and I went to the hall. With our dance teacher, detention is cleaning the stage, like I would do that. I walked up the steps to get into the stage and stood in the centre of it. Ever since I was a little girl, I've always wanted to dance and sing. Before I knew it, I started singing, while I went to clean

I put the mop down and realised I was finished already. The door swung open and I saw my teacher come in.
"Y/n, you need to come with me." He told me, his face was dead serious. I followed behind him and he took me outside the school. There, I saw Jisoo, Rose, Jennie and Lisa.
"What's going on?" I asked. No one answered.

A black car pulled up and 5 men come out of it.
"Thank BigHits for this." The teacher said to the men.
"Wait what?!" Jisoo yelled. The men come over to us and each one grabbed us. I was trying to free myself from the grasp of the man but I was failing, I was hurting from his strong hold. But what hurt more was the bruises I had from a previous problem with my mother, if I can call her that.

After a long drive, we finally arrived at our destination. The doors opened and we were greeted with 7 faces we didn't want to see.

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