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I awoke in a strange place that certainly wasn't my hotel room. I was yet again strapped to a chair.
"Well well well, look who's awake." I looked up to see none other than Miss Park, and her two henchmen Jackson and Mark. However this time, they looked... ill.
"I didn't know hotel rooms came with a free kidnapping." I said cockily. I had a hand connect with the side of my face.
"Would you stop? Y/n, you never learn." She told me. I felt something warm trickling down my cheek. I looked at Miss Park's hand to see she was wearing a sharp ring. It must have cut me.
"Your dead now." I told her as I gave her a cold stare.
"We'll see." She said with a smirk as she left the room, leaving me with Mark and Jackson.
"So, how have you guys been?" I asked. The both looked at me and didn't reply. "Umm, are you ok?" I asked again, still nothing. Something was off. I looked over their bodies, scanning for anything out of the ordinary. That's when I saw it. The whole of their bodied were beaten.

"Oh god... Jackson? Mark? Please say that didn't happen because of me." I told them and they looked down. "Oh no." I said as I felt guilty.
"It's not all your fault." Jackson said. "We has our orders and didn't follow through with them." He told me.
"I'm still sorry though." I said in response.

After what felt like hours, Miss Park came back with a gun.
"Calmed down?" She asked.
"I'm actually a bit excited!" I exclaimed.
"For what?" We asked.
"I finally have someone who wants to talk to me with her fake ass gun and her fake ass buns." I said sarcastically. He pointed the gun at my arm and fired.

A shooting pain went straight through it as a bullet submerged in my skin.
"Some fake gun hey?" She said. "Mark, Jackson. You have your orders, follow them through this time." She told them.
"Orders? What are they?" I asked, trying to hide my pain.
"Sorry Y/n." Mark said. They both pulled out knifes and walked closer to me. Oh god...

Taehyung's PoV

We had planted a chip into Y/n so we were able to track her every move, every breath and every injury. Her arm began to flash red.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"She's been shot by the looks of it." Yoongi said. The image then became red again, but this time it was on her legs.
"What now!?" Jennie asked.
"She's being either stabbed or cut, I can't tell." Yoongi told her.
"Oh my god can we just go now?" Rose asked.
"Not until she gives the signal." Namjoon told us.

Y/n's PoV
Blood now trailed down my legs to the floor. Every cut they did they apologised straight after. They had finally stopped and I could barely see them due to the mass blood loss I had gone through. I need to give the signal now. I bit my tongue and it began to bleed and hurt like hell.

"Well well, finally calmed down have we?" Miss Park asked. I didn't say a word. "Good girl." She told me, she gave the boys a stern look and then left the room. The room began to spin and I felt like I was going to pass out.

We heard a door slam open and yells we're heard. I looked to see Taehyung at the door.
"Y/N!" He yelled.
"Grab him!" Miss Park yelled to Mark and Jackson. However, they didn't move. Taehyung ran in and punched Park in the face, causing her to black out. The others entered with the guns the girls and I got the other day and they surrounded Miss Park. Taehyung walked over to me and untied me from the chair.
"Mark! Jackson! What happened!?!" Yoongi yelled.
"We followed orders, and now we will pay the price." Jackson said. Yoongi raised the gun at him.
"NOO!" I yelled. I quickly ran in front of Jackson and protected him with my body.
"Y/n what are you doing??" Jennie asked.
"Y/n, it's ok." Jackson said.
"No it's not! They may have hurt me but the only one who should be punished is her!" I yelled as I pointed to the woman on the floor.

Late update, sorry guys. I'm trying my hardest to keep up with the updates as I have exams right now but once this week is out of the way, everything should be back to normal.

I hope you are all enjoying the story, it will be ending soon. It has about 2-3 chapters left 😢. The question is, do you know how it will end? I think it may be a bit unpredictable but I want to see how you all think it will end.

Until next time
~Bexella ❤️

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