She went too far

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Jackson was cut of my another voice.
"Leave her alone Jackson. We have a job, not to be confused with personal gain." Mark told him. Jackson hugged and walked back into the darkness.
"So, um, who exactly are you?" I asked.
"Who do we work for, you mean." He said, as I nodded my head. "Someone you know, a Miss Park?" He asked, searching my face for answers.
"Yes I know her..." I replied.

Taehyung's PoV

We arrived outside a old abandoned building.
"So she's in here?" Jungkook asked.
"She should be." Jennie told him as she walked towards the building.

Y/n's PoV

The door swung open and Miss Park came in.
"Ah Y/n, long time no see. How's the girls?" She asked me
"Fine no thanks to you!" I yelled, her face caused my insides to boil.
"Now now, calm down. It's punishment time." She said.
"Punishment time? Miss, I'm not 5. Maybe that what you tell your partner when you've had a rough time at school but not me thank you. I don't see you in that way." I told her. She came over to me and slapped my face.
"Now, little girl, hold still." She told me.

Taehyung's PoV

As we reached the door, we heard a horrific scream.
"Y/N!" I yelled as I pushed the door open and ran inside, the others quickly following behind me. Again, there was another scream, coming from the basement. As we got closer, the screams got louder and louder and then, they stopped.
"Boss! That's too far!" A male voice behind the door said.

Furious, I pushed the door open and ran inside.
"Y/n, wake up!" I saw one boy say, as he shook her lifeless body. Her body was covered in blood and bruises.
"Y/n!?" I yelled as I ran over to her.
"Taehyung?" The boys looked at me.
"Mark? Jackson? What happened to her!?" I yelled.
"Park." Jackson said.
"We need to get her to hospital, now!" Jisoo yelled. I unstrapped Y/n and carried her bridal style to the car. Jin drove us straight to the hospital.

We arrived moments later and the doctors swarmed around us. They called emergency and she was wheeled off in a bed. The place back there, it looked like a murder scene. A nurse came over to me.
"Are you her boyfriend?" She asked.
"Yes! What's wrong?" I asked, it's a lie but it would get me answers.
"She's lost a lot of blood, but ultimately ok, she should be awake so you can go in if you want." She told me.
"Taehyung, go in first." Jimin said.
"We'll be in in a second, we just have to make something." Rose told me.

I walked in and saw a weak body before me.
"Hey Taehyung." Y/n said.

Y/n's PoV

"Hey Y/n, how are you feeling?" He asked, causing me to chuckle.
"I've been slashed open and lost a lot of blood. I'm fine." I said sarcastically.
"Yeah, sorry about that. Stupid question." He said as he too chuckled.
"Where's the others?" I asked.
"Outside. They wanted for me to be the first one to see you." He said.
"Not being rude, but why?" I asked.
"I don't know, Rose said they needed to make something before they came in." Taehyung replied.

"Oh my god." I said, as I began to get frustrated.
"Y/n? What's the matter?" Taehyung asked me concerned.
"They're trying to match make us." I told him.

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