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Back in school uniform again today, yawn! We all got on the bus, actually on time... that means we have the whole lesson to mess up today! Yay!
"Girls, who do you think will be in our class today?" Jennie asked.
"I hope it's Jimin!" Rose said.
"Why?" I asked.
"So I can tell him he's done the work wrong!" She told us, we all laughed.
"I think it might be Taehyung." I said.
"What makes you think that?" Jisoo asked me
"I may of may not have over heard a conversation the teachers were having." I told them.
"You 'naughty' girl!" Lisa commented, causing us to laugh like mad.

The bus stopped again and a Man walked on, I recognised him instantly. He was wearing a mask and had brown hair...
"Who's that?" Jisoo asked me.
"Don't worry at the moment, just be ready to run." I told them. The man sat in front of us and I signaled the others to get up. By this time, the bus was crowded with girls and boys. We got to the door, we were 2 stops away but we could walk/run that far and still be on time. The bus stopped and I turned around.
"OMG! IT'S JUNGKOOK OPPA!" I yelled. Everyone looked at the masked man and we ran out of the bus. As the bus passed us, we saw Jungkook getting cornered by his fangirls and fanboys. We all laughed and ran the rest of the way to school.

At school we went into our registration rooms and sat down. After being registered, we went to have another assembly. We sat down and Lisa tapped me.
"Look at Jungkook..." she said. I looked to see him giving me death glares. Ha! Two can play at that game! I looked back at him and smiled. I must say, he is really annoying.

"Good morning students! Today we have a new announcement, tomorrow is going to be sports day, so get ready for some athletic activities." The headteacher Miss Park said.
"MISS! You do a lot of sports right?" Jisoo yelled.
"Well, Yes." Miss Park said
"MISS! Sex isn't a sport!" Lisa yelled and the 90% of the people in the hall were laughing. The only ones who weren't, were the teachers. Even the members of BTS were giggling.
"LISA! I'm ringing you parents!" Miss Park said.
"Like we care!" I yelled.
"Well, I wouldn't ring your parents Y/n, because we all know how your mother gets don't we!" She yelled back. I was there, stunned.

"Y/n?" Jennie shook me.
"Y/n, are you ok?" Rose asked. My blood boiled inside me, I knew I had to get out before I hurt someone. I stood up and walked to the door.
"Watch your back Miss!" I told her and walked out of the hall. I went to the roof and stood there, looking over the edge.
"Please don't." I heard someone say, I turned round to see Jimin.
"What do you want?" I asked him.
"What she said she had no right." He told me.
"I know, that's why I don't respect her." I told him.
"Please, come away from the edge." He asked, I smirked.
"What and not do this?" I asked as I leaned over the edge.
"NO! P-please, step away..." he asked me, I sighed and stepped away.

"So, what do you want?" I asked him.
"I though you might need something." He said.
"Like what?" I asked, what he did next shocked me. He pulled me into a hug, I was shocked. Once I came back to my Senses, I pushed him away from me.
"Are you ok?" He asked
"I-I'm just not a hug person." I told him and I walked away.

I'm back! How do you like the story so far? Any suggestions let me know!

Sorry I put the book on hold, I was finishing another and I've got my GCSE revision to do. Anyway, hope you are having a nice life wherever you are in the world, let me know!

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