Truth or dare

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"What the hell?!" Jennie yelled at the boys.
"You guys are h-" Jisoo cut Namjoon off
"When can we leave?" Jisoo asked.
"Well you see-" Jungkook was then too cut off.
"Wait! This is what you were talking about!" Lisa yelled.
"SHUT UP!" Jin yelled.
"Thanks, so anyways, you guys are here for as long as you need. The school and us have made a program for you, troublemakers, to make you all into good, hard working students again." Jungkook explained... the 5 of us started laughing.
"What's so funny?" Jimin asked.
"Well, you see... we don't care, so you could do whatever you want, but it wouldn't work! You guys may as well let us go and we will be out of your hair." Rose said.
"If only that was an option." Jungkook said.
"What's the matter? You changed your tune, OPPA!" I said, we all laughed again. Jungkook turned to me, he was mad.

"Come here you brat!" He said. He grabbed my wrists and threw me over his shoulder.
"Hey! Put me down!" I yelled as I tried to kick him. He was carrying me towards the door and I don't want to go in there! He walked inside and went into the living room.
"Ok I'll let you down, but you have to say the magic word." He said.
"Abracadabra!" I said, he sighed.
"No, try again." He said.
"Now!" I said, I was now getting anyry.
"Nope, try again." He said.
"Your enjoying this aren't you?" I asked him.
"Yep!" He replied.
"And I'm enjoying staying up here, it's pretty comfy. I'll stay here." I said.
"Ok." He said... wait what? Oh god!

The door opened again and in came the others.
"Aw, I Jungkookie having fun?" Jimin asked.
"Shut up Jimin you have no Jams!" Jungkook replied.
"Yeah, me and Oppa are having some fun!" I said, Jungkook dropped me automatically.
"What?" Jisoo asked, I laughed.
"Well now I'm down, we can go. And as for your 'magic word', how about this." I said and I went and slapped his arm.
"Sorry ladies, your staying here." Yoongi said.
"Well good luck getting any sleep." Rose said, smirking. Yoongi huffed.

After they showed us the room we were all going to stay in, and yes... it was A room. We went back downstairs to play a game of truth or dare.
"Jungkook, truth or dare?" Namjoon asked him,
"Dare." Jungkook replied.
"Wear your sailer moon outfit for the rest of the day." Namjoon told him, we all started laughing. Jungkook sighed and went up the stairs. About a minute later, he come down in his outfit. The 5 of us were practically rolling on the floor, laughing.

"What's so funny?" Jungkook asked us.
"I- hahaha it's just hahahahaha." Rose tried to explain but she couldn't stop laughing.
"Ok, calm down guys. Oppa looks handsome.... Haha." Jisoo told us. We all stopped laughing and continued the game.
"Y/n, truth or dare?" Jungkook asked me.
"Truth." I said innocently.
"So what's wrong with your mother then? I mean, your father would have something to say about her behaviour surely." He asked.
"Jungkook, don't." Jimin told him.
"What? I want to see if she can tell us. Did you dad leave! Ha, you probably drove him away!" Jungkook yelled, I looked at the floor.
"Y/n?" Jennie asked. Without saying anything, I stood up and went to go to our room.
"What's the matter Y/n? Can't face the truth?" Jungkook asked cockily.

"NO! I can! My father didn't leave because of me! He DIED! In a stupid car accident! But I won't ask for your sympathy, because you are nothing but a spoiled, rotten idol who thinks the world should bow down at your feet. BUT WAKE UP! I'm someone who has to work for what she has, I don't come from a privileged family like Jennie or Jin. So don't you DARE say anything against my family!" I yelled. I ran up the stairs and ran into the room the girls and I are sharing. I jumped onto my bed and cried. I hadn't told anyone about it... only the girls. I can't believe he could do that. I heard the door open, and someone walk over to me.


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