Last Act Part 2

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*1 hour earlier*

The girls and I had just heard that the boys of BTS had mentioned us in their concert, it blew up on social media. I had now 13k followers on instagram.

"Girls, come on. We need to get ready." Jennie told us and they all went to get dressed. I, on the other hand, picked up my phone and dialled a number.
"Yes?" The man on the other end of the phone said.
"We are doing in." I said.

Once I put the phone down, I ran into the bathroom and got changed into my party clothes. I went in front of the mirror with the others.

I went for an edgy look, Jennie went for a casual, Jisoo went for a classy look, Rose went for a Boho look and Lisa went for a preppy look

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I went for an edgy look, Jennie went for a casual, Jisoo went for a classy look, Rose went for a Boho look and Lisa went for a preppy look.

I went to my bag and got out my makeup, and went to the mirror to do it. I put in my earrings and looked at myself.

"Girl, you look hot as always!" Jennie said, being all sassy as I walked into our kitchen

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"Girl, you look hot as always!" Jennie said, being all sassy as I walked into our kitchen.
"Thanks boo, ready for today?" I asked.
"Ready as I'll ever be." Jennie said.

I grabbed my bag and went to the car, yes, we can't legally drive but that won't stop us, let's be honest here. I sat in the back, while Jennie and Rose sat next to me, Jisoo was driving and Lisa was in the passenger seat.
"Everyone know what their doing?" Lisa asked, causing everyone to respond with a yes.

We stopped in front of the doors, once out of the car, we went inside. I walked in and headed to the kitchen. I saw drinks on the side counter, there was alcohol, fizzy drinks and water. As I went to reach the bottle of water, a hand grabbed hold of my wrist.

"What the-"
"What are you doing here?" Jungkook cut me off.
"Having fun. Why?" I asked him.
"Look, I don't know what your up to, but what you do will have a bad reaction on us. Just... be careful." He said, he let go of my wrist and walked off.

I got my phone out and text on the group chat.

Me: we have a problem...
Jennie: what is it?
Me: Jungkook bumped into me...
Rose: bumped?
Me: more like grabbed my wrist...
Jisoo: just stay calm, where is everyone?
Lisa: the DJ booth
Me: Kitchen
Jennie: lounge
Rose: bathroom
Jisoo: entrance, Rose why you in the bathroom?
Rose: why would I be in the bathroom?!
Jennie: are you playing your phone while on the toilet!?!
Rose: SHUT UP!
Rose: Why is Y/N in the kitchen!!!
Me: well I've got to get drunk somehow, can't do that in the bathroom can I!
Rose: SHUT UP!!
Me: 😏🤙🏻
Jisoo: Girls! Stop!
Jennie: Lisa? Where are you again?
Lisa: the DJ booth, in the garden.
Jennie: ok, I'm coming to ya!
Me: me too xx


I grabbed my water and went into the garden. I looked around to find Lisa and Jennie staring at something, their face full of fear.
"Hey girls, What's up?" I asked as I reached them. They said nothing, only pointed at the tree in front of us. I turned to it to see...

Jisoo's PoV

I walked inside, looking for the others, mainly Y/n, she's like a little girl to me, like the sister I almost had.

When I was 3, my mother died while giving birth to my baby sister. Later in life, I would grow to hate her through all the horrible things she did to me. I met Y/n when I joined this school, and that's how the group was formed.

I walked into the garden and spotted the DJ booth, and...

Rose PoV

I finally got off the toilet! I new we shouldn't have had that curry last night. I quickly departed the bathroom and went into the garden and spotted Jisoo.
"Hey have you seen the other three?" I asked
"I was going to ask you the same thing." Jisoo replied. We walked around looking for them when we entered deep into the wooded area of the garden.

"HELP!!!!" We heard someone scream!
"That sounded like..." Jisoo said.
"Y/N!" I yelled as I ran deeper.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating, please forgive me!!!

I have been grounded lately and lost my phone, so I smuggled it into my room to work on this late at night! Mahahaha!

So what's in the forest?? Any guesses?

I'll keep you all posted and don't forget if something happens to me and I'm not able to update you can check on my wall on my profile or read another book of mine! Up to you.

Bye xx

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