Sports day part 2

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"First event, 500m track up to your stations." The lady over the intercom said.
"Right, that's my cue." I told them and I quickly jogged over to starting line. 500m was a whole lap of the track, this should be easy. I looked to see who I was up against... slow, slow, slow and... Jungkook? Oh this will be fun.
"Hello girly." Jungkook said as he come over to me.
"Hey Oppa!" I said while making a gagging face.
"Don't call me that." Jungkook said sternly
"No can do Oppa." I told him.
"Oh, eat my dust Y/n!" He yelled.
"In your dreams mummy's boy." I yelled back and I went up to the line.

"On your marks, get set... GO!"

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. The wind was beating against my face and my legs began to feel tired, I just have to keep going. The finish line was near and I ran even faster. I crossed it and saw what place I had came... 1st! I jumped for joy.
"YESSS!" I yelled.
"Y/n!" I turned to see my group running over to me, arms wide. They gave me the biggest group hug I had ever been in.
"Well done Y/n." I turned to see Jungkook and his team.
"Jungkook can I ask you something?" I asked
"Yeah." He replied
"How did the mummy's boy enjoy my dust!?" I asked and we both began to laugh.
"Haha, yeah. I'm sorry about that." He apologised.
"It's fine, it was only banter." I told him.
"Come on guys the next advent is starting." Jennie told us.

Time flew by and we had won various medals, and so had the boys. Let's be honest, they only got them as the girls want them to win, all but us. The winners assembly is tomorrow at school so we will find out the results then.
"JENNIE!" Jungkook yelled.
"OPPA!" Jennie yelled.
"Oi! Stop." Jin said, causing us five to snigger.
"Oh Seokjinnie." Rose said.
"Show some respect please." Yoongi asked.
"Why? What's the point?" Lisa asked.
"Because your living with us?" Taehyung said.
"We never asked you." I told them,
"Let's just go." Jimin said.

We arrived at home and I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water.
"Y/n?" I turned around to see Jin.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked as I sipped on my glass of water.
"You didn't eat anything today." He said, an worried expression on his face.
"You noticed?" I asked.
"Of course, it may not seem like it, but I care about you. What wrong?" He asked me.
"N...nothing." I stuttered.
"Y/n, it's ok. You can tell me." Jin told me.
"NO I CANT!" I yelled at him. "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT MY LIFE IS LIKE!" I had lost my patience now.

"Y/n, calm down." I looked and saw Jisoo at the door.
"Why? Everyone thinks they know me, YOU ALL KNOW NOTHING!" I yelled. I ran to the front door and and ran outside, ignoring all the yells from behind me. I've grown to ignore yells, I always dealt with them from my mum. I ran into the woods surrounding the house we were in, I didn't know where I was going... but I just needed to leave.

3 years ago, my dad passed away from cancer. It was a hard time for us all, I turned to drinking and hurting others, while my mum went to violence. I would come home from school to get beat for nothing, hence why I don't care about my mum anymore. The girls all have their own stories, their own lives.... just as twisted as mine.

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