Max x Reader

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"Don't touch my hair!" Max yelled at you, looking up at you and making desperate attempts to grab your shoes... or twist your ankles. You just laughed, swinging your feet back and forth slowly. You chirped when he actually slapped your foot, and picked them up.

"Why can't your tree branch just crack!" He yelled, now trying to climb onto the tree branch you sat at. He got his fingers around the bark of the branch, and it was obviously paining his soft skin. You crawled over to him and plucked each one of his fingers off, dropping him back to the ground. You loved your tree, it wasn't for some short curly haired ball of fury to sit on.

"My tree." You said simply and over-protectively. You noticed a small smile approach his face that he quickly shook off. Then he had flashbacks. Painful, Vietnam flashbacks.

To the time when he had climbed up on the tree and got stuck on the branch upside down. He had to ask Nerris for help, and she eventually pulled him onto her castle top. R.i.p. Nerris' glasses. She had to get them replaced since they fell. (Screams this isn't canon it's from a roleplay with lyely and a bit of Jade give them love we all love them)

He shed a single tear in the memory of the glasses, but quickly wiped it away because max is short and MANLY. You cocked your head at him, but didn't actually question it. He continued jumping up, and eventually grabbed your leg. You screamed as you fell to the ground, but instead were met with a pair of arms.

Max was obviously mad at David for this.

"Drop my girlfriend" y'know this is kinda u- WHAT. you wanted to screech, but all the words were already coming out of David and Gwen's mouths.

"What you're dating someone omg have her take her marry her yes make l- little pancakes each morning shaped like hearts kiss her I wanna see you kiss her etc" WHAT HAVE YOU DONE MAX. Both of your faces were bright red as David passed you off to Max.

Because we're only fourteen and I'm not Eugenia Cooney or whatever the hell her name is Max immediately falls. At least he didn't drop me.

I mouth a nice 'look what you did' to him as we listen to more ramble on how we're such a cute couple.

"WILL YOU KISS?!?!?!!?!" Gwen asks out of no where. Might as well play along.

You chew on your lip, "sure." And walk over and kiss max. He mouths a nice f*** you to you, but you acted like you didn't see it.

"I think Max is sick! His face is all red!" David says.

"Might as well go take care of that because we like to... take care of each other?" You nod, grabbing Max's hand and running to your tent.

"What was that!?!" He asked you, basically at this point cicada blocking you. You giggle a little.

"Calm down, sweetheart."


Out of frustration, he... kissed you? Okay.

Little story for jungkook_bts_kookie

Word count: 534

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