David x Emotionless!Reader

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   Warning! This story may be bad. It'll be short.

You sat in the chair in the same room with David and Mr. Campbell.

"Why did Gwen leave? My only co-counseling buddy that didn't try to kill me!" David sobbed into your lap like a depressed cat laying on its back. "Not to mention this girl isn't even sad, or mad, or dad, or happy, or excited! How do I go on!"

"David, you watched in horror as Max stabbed her 37 times in the chest." Mr Campbell said.

"Shock of the moment" you say, resting one hand on David's chest.

"Y-yeah! B-but she's alive!"

"You can't get stabbed in the heart several times and continue living" You informed. David started crying his eyes out. He gripped onto your waist and buried his head just between your breasts and your stomach.

"Miracles happen right?" He asked.

"No. if miracles happened Mr. Campbell wouldn't be tracked and all the kids at this camp would have a good time and get along" You say. You run your fingers through his hair as he cries into your stomach.

You pick him up and take him to a couch. He immediately clings onto you and rests his head on your shoulder.

You pat his back.

Tonight is gonna be a long night.

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