Daniel x Reader x David

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Two people requested this. One of them requested an x male, so I'm doing a gender neutral character.

You sat in your tent, trying to fix the h/l mop that sat atop your head. You already used four different brand detanglers, took a shower, and got the brush stuck in your hair. You managed to slip into clothes, stepping out of the tent to see if anyone had the talent to fix what an ugly state your hair was in.

Over yonder you noticed the beloved red head lovely and what seemed to be his twin but bleached. This is brain not processed?

"Y/n, love, please clear up this argument!" Love? LOVE? L o v e ? LoVe? lOvE? (JuliaTheFreak chocolate boy kill me) lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove???

You just sat there, blushing. "Daniel! Y/n doesn't need to get into this!" David exclaims, walking over to the group.

"No, no. Us voting will not work! We need another's opinion!" Daniel replies, glancing over to David.

"You're right about that!" David exclaims. Daniel had a little look of 'omgomgyouagreedwithmeI'msohonored' before shaking it off.

"Who is hotter?" Daniel asks in an innocent schmex tone.

You looked around, looked at both floofs. They're equa- one has a hair that's off. You sat down and pointed at David.

"WHY HIM!?!?!?!?!!?" Daniel shrieked.

"You have a string of floof out of place."

Daniel slapped you. K I N K Y.

"What the-"

"Well I have the honor." David says bowing.

"David is kinda h- I MEAN IM READING HER MIND HA HA HA HA HA HA HA AH." Daniel shrieked, pointing at you and laughing.

"Incorrect, I'm thinking about how to deactivate a squip."

Preston hits you, running off.

"How do you deactivate a squid? What about the kink, I mean ink?"

"No, a squip- just ignore it." You say.

"Wait." David whispers in Daniel's ear.

"What's the hottest thing to you?" Daniel asks.

"Uhh, yaoi"

"Owwie? Did you get hurt?" David asks.

"No, it's ga- nevermi-" he squeal as David and Daniel kiss.

Then, out of no where Daniel was like "I gotta kiss her boo boo" and kissed you. Then he makes out with David for. Oh, and David also kissed your boo boo.

Going through these kinda fast! Working on something huge ^^

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