Preston x Reader

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You were in your tent, sitting crisis cross apple sauce because you're basically just a five year old trapped in a fourteen year old's body. You were reading some book that you didn't try understanding. The story was pretty boring. I mean, hey, it's got fairly good romance and nice battle scenes. But it moved so slow. You lifted the cover and flipped through to the end. Geez, way too many pages!

Suddenly, Preston somehow knocks on the tent front flap.

"Come in!" You call, closing your book. He zips open the front and steps in, crouching down and sitting next to you on the sleeping bag. You look over to him and smile.

"What are you reading?" He asks. You slide the book over to him for him to read the title.

"Ah, Hamilton! That is a very good one! You should see the musical."

You nod, "aren't tickets expensive, though?" You ask.

He nods, "sadly"

After some nice quiet of mutual talk, probably about how hot the both of us are, Preston speaks up. "Could I read it to you."

You smile and nod, "That would be nice, thank you."

He takes the book and, knowing you were not actually really reading, flips to the beginning.

"There was a boy named Hamilton... blah... blah... blah" You lean on his shoulder and he pauses reading for a second to readjust his position. Now he was seated comfortably, he continued.                                              

After reading for a while, he stopped. "So... this is the part with Maria Reynolds. Are you gonna be comfortable?" You obviously not having a clue said yes.

But as soon as he started you passed out, your head laying in his lap. He stroked your hair as he finished reading the book.

This book was for wintxrlily

She is gr8 go give her lots of love and attention.

Word count: 312

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