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I sigh.

"Nerris and Harrison, break it up! Preston, what the f*** are you dr- PRESTON WE WENT OVER THIS." I yell, picking the drawing up.

"Gwen! I spent forever on that" the boy whined.

"It is beautiful. Fine. But only if Nerris and Harrison are ok with it." I say, walking over to the two. Harrison was on top of Nerris, kinda just annoying her. Messing up her hair, poking at her glasses, at one point stealing her glasses so she couldn't see, etc. I personally had never seen Harrison be a top, I always thought Nerris was the top and Harrison was a bottom. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

They finally both looked up at me. Well, I mean Nerris just saw a blurry blob of human skin, but that was ok. I getchu.

"What do you want Gwen?" Harrison asked harshly. Nerris flailed her arms around and finally retrieved her glasses.

"Preston drew this... beautiful art and I was wondering if you approved of it."

"That's inaccurate, I would kiss Harrison, he's a bottom."

"NURF YOU OWE ME A DOLLAR!" I yell. Harrison looks down at Nerris questioningly. In response to what she said, he slaps her head. She giggled at this, not in much pain. I watch in amusement, running off to get my money.

No point of view~~~

Nerris and Harrison sigh, not in unison though because that's cliche. They watched together as the drawing of the two making out was hung and admired by all.

"That's like, totally cool" Erid said. Nikki nodded, petting the drawing. Even Dolph found that the art was better than his own. David wasn't even scolding Preston.

"THE REVIEWS ARE OVER THE ROOF!" He yells, cheering. Everyone was happy that Preston had made the drawing. Everyone except Nerris and Harrison. If people weren't praising Preston, they were chatting with Nerris and Harrison. Nerris didn't even like the attention, she just wanted to play dungeons and dragons with her stuffed animals.

It was stressful for. Harrison, too. He wanted to study magic. Not get shoved into Nerris. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The end of the day ended with Nerris and Harrison camping out in a locked up Nerris' castle, Preston swimming in reviews, Gwen trying to make a trash show out of this, and everyone else crying from the beauty.

Bye bye, made for wintxrlily screams bye

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