Depressed David

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"I think I'll be this happy for the rest of my life!"

Oh young David, you were so so wrong.

David stood and watched as the kids made 'crafts.' Dolph was making a creative thing that looked like a nazi symbol, (lily won't tell me how to spell it >:( ) Nerris and Harrison were busy... somewhere. Neil, Nikki, and Max were trying to glue David to the pole, but this time he had a bit more self defense, Erid was listening to music, Nurf was beating up pour Preston, and space kid was drawing him in a space ship. It was a disaster.

All the things David planned were just... crafts. He used to make exciting projects, even if the campers didn't like them, but he lost his pep. No one knew why. Gwen wanted to know.

So, later that night when the campers were all in their tents, she knocked on his door. The sound of crying and whimpering was very audible. Soon, he dried his tears.

"C-come in." He called, his voice shaky as though while talking someone tore holes in it. She slowly opened the door. His room was all messy, which was unusual. There were books thrown in the floor, papers, some journals, blankets on the ground, and a stray pocket knife on his bedside stand. She walked over to him and sat down.

"Are you okay?" She asked. He opened his mouth to say something, but out of fear closed it and nodded a bit.

"What's wrong?" She asked. He almost said something again, but instead began crying.

She held him tightly, and he wrapped his hands around her.

"Promis me you'll never let go?"

She nodded, "promise"

((Trollolololol its short like max

Too lazy to put who requested it:

Word count: 298

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