Jasper x Reader

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You sigh, jumping from the docks onto your canoe. Big mistake. The canoe wobbled, and you fell in. You sighed, swimming out of the water and using a blanket you'd brought to dry yourself off. You left the blanket there as you just crawled cautiously into the tiny boat.

Your arms felt heavy in the middle of your trip. You weren't the most active person, but you'd do anything to have a chat with the cute ghost, Jasper, on Spooky Island. He always chatted with you, made an effort, and was grateful for your company. He also seemed to make weird ghost-y flirtatious moves on you. They were pleasant, you would admit.

Before you knew it, you arrived at your final destination. Spo0p Y isLan D!!1!!11! You hopped off the canoe, shaking a tad as you landed. You looked around a bit, then realized he doesn't know when you're hear.

"JASPER!" You call through cupped hands. No response. "Jasper this isn't funny!" You call agin.

"What's poppin', amigo?" He asks, wrapping an arm around you.

"GAH!" You scream, falling into his ghost arms. I thought you were supposed t- never mind.

"Hey bro'skees, how's it hangin?"

"Radical." You mumble, dusting yourself off and looking up at him. He looked down, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you close. You blush.

"Let's go." He says, leading you. You trudge through long, narrow halls, hand in hand.  That night, you cuddle up to watch some movies whilst eating popcorn.

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