Space Kid x Reader

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You were an average kid, average parents, ugly f- average face. You can't be depressed in tHis one, y/n. But yeah, it was no surprise when you were sent to a summer camp with no assigned camp. And no, it wasn't like max. It was more of, "you're a good child grow into a Mary suueuuieueueue!!1!!1!1 Be good at everything!!1!11!"

But you didn't want to do that.

And so you sat, staring into the sky as David and Gwen called out camps. Today was special, everyone went their separate ways to their own camps. And thus you needed to be assigned to a random camp.

"Y/n, would you like to choose where you want to go?" David asked.

You shrug.

"Okay. How ab-"

"Ooh! Ooh! Over here! Space camp!" Space Kid shrieked.

"But space kid, she did that la-"

"I'll just... go to space camp." You sigh, walking over to Space Kid.

(You see, I just deleted the other half of writing I had. That took me half an hour. Shit man)

So together you built a kickass space dome, so that you could pretend like you're seeing the stars. You did most the work, yes, but at least space kid put up the stickers.

Together, you laid on a blanket on the ground, staring at the star wallpaper.

"I... underestimated space..." you mumble.

"You sure did," he chuckled.

Changing topic subject, you tap the glass on his helmet. "Why do you always wear... this?" You ask.

He smiled, "It protects me!" He cheered.

"It ain't protec'in' sh*t." You laugh, pulling it right off his head. His hair was so... brunette. You laugh at your ignorant thinking, always thought it was black.

"Don't laugh at me." He crosses his arms.

"I'm not, I just... always thought your hair was black." You say, staring into his eyes.

And you spent the rest of the day, cuddling and chatting and such.

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