Pikeman x Campbell! Reader

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That acne-zit faced freak was crying into you again. "ITS NOT FAAAAIR. MY INTERNET GIRLFRIEND LEFT ME AND NOW IM HERE!" He whined. You pull out a napkin, wiping drool off your tee-shirt.

"The woodscouts had good reasoning to throw you out for the night. You're an ugly crier." You state, linking arms with him.

"Thanks" he said in a sad, sarcastic tone.

You start trying to walk him into your tent, but he's standing still. You shove him forward, running around to the front of him, catching him, and dragging him into your tent. He shove him onto your sleeping bag, plopping down next to him. You leveled in height, so with no hesitation he leaned on your shoulder. You move his head slightly with your hands so that you don't get covered in zit-puss.

"Why is your face soooo cleeeear?" He whined. Binch wtf.

"My face isn't clear."

"I mean, besides for freckles."

"Those are blackheads."



You start messing with his two poofs.

"If you keep getting partners that break up with you, why don't you just date me." You say



Dndjwjdjesjdj psigjedhfuexvwud veduhgxgwducgweughx I wish I could say school was stopping me but it's just major writers block.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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