Nikki x Female!Reader

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"Nikki, stop." You say, trying to pry the damned woman off your arm. She licks your shoulder and crawls onto your head.

"Nikkiiiiiiiii." You whine, finally popping her off of you.

"You're like a jungle gym!" She says, eagerly. She hugs you and tries climbing on you more.

"Why couldn't you have died in your sleep?" You whine, removing her from your leg and climbing up a tree.

She climbs next to you and plops down. She seemed a bit more calm.

"Being a monkey is haaaard." She whined, nodding her head back and forth.

"How so?" You ask, glancing over to her.

"It's so tiring" She says, yawning.

"Well, the human body usu-"

"Stop being such a dweeb!" She whined.

"Um, oka-"

"OOH A DEER!" She yelled, hopping down and chasing after a deer. You watched in amusement as the deer scratched her.

"Ooh! Y/n! Look, I'm bleeding!" She says, hopping back next to you.

Moments later Preston ran in, "THAT COULD GET INFECTED AND YOU COULD DIE LIKE PHILIP!" He yelled, running back inside.

"Come on, let's wrap your hand up." You say, taking her hand that isn't bleeding and hopping down from the tree. She hops on your back. You flinch, wincing slightly then grabbing her feet to steady her.

"Warn me next time, 'Kay?" You ask, trotting to the counselor's office.

You open the door. At this point Nikki had bled slightly on your head. You let her off and she hops onto the table.

"Gwen, where's the first aid kit?" You ask.

"Second drawer" she responds lazily, pushing her face closer to the laptop as a 'THATS MY BABY' erupts from the machine. You pick up a bottle of pills labeled as 4 anxiety

"Don't touch that!" Gwen says quickly, rushing to you.

"You spelt for wrong"

"Give me the bottle" You give it to her and she takes another.

You finally find the bandages and walk back to Nikki. You hop up next to her and wrap her arm.

You lead her back to the tent.

"Read me a story!" She beams.

"I'll just tell you one" you say.

"It was a cold day, and John and Alexander were alone. They snuggled together for warmth, but Alexander wanted more..." You started the story. She leans on your shoulder, and soon dozes off.

Haha! Proof I'm not dead

I've stopped tagging people in requested stories, mainly because it takes like five minutes.

But this was requested~

The cover contest will end once I've had three entries

I only have had one


I'm so sorry it's taken me forever to write, but I truly love you guys. You make me smile and giggle. Your comments make me so happy and o h the notifications. The largest book I've had has gotten 2k reads. You guys gave me almost 10k. Truly wonderful. You are all lovely.

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