Harrison x Reader

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You were sitting in the tent, calmly curled up to a blanket when GAH! You woke in shock as a brunette medium length haired boy replaced what once was the warm, fuzzy, pink blanket you'd had for about two years.

You quickly shoot up. "My blanket! Where is it?!? I had that thing for, like, two years! It's my love. It's what I wake up everyday for!"

"I can be yo-"

"Harrison shut up! This is serious! My (guardian) gave me that!"

"I mean, last time I was... oh yeah! Nurf pushed me into the water, but before I landed I traded places wi-"


"And the great Harrison, disappears!" He yells, disappearing.

You groan, sitting down and holding your head. That was the only blanket in this dumb*ss camp that could get you sleep. You had to get it back.

In about one minute, you were about to have a panic attack. Until... a nice boy threw a warm, fuzzy pink blanket onto you. You hug it so tightly, but only glare at Harrison.

"Can I have a hug for retrieving your dumb blanket."

You sigh, getting up and hugging him. You spent the rest of the night forced to cuddle up to him AND the blanket. The blanket got more attention. 

Wowie wowie

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