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Hello everyone. This was originally published in 2017, and I have retrieved my login to this account in 2020 because I am upset over this particular story. I am embarrassed by this. I am ashamed to have ever considered this. Please listen to my apology, I'll try not to waste your time. I am, as of now, 14 years old. This is incredibly shocking to most, I assume. I did lie about my age quite a bit, I was eleven at the time of writing this. I was a child with free internet access and I used it to do some odd stuff. At an older age, I have learned my lesson. Aging up characters is quite unacceptable, and I condemn the entire idea. As a child, I did not understand, but as a bigger child, I do. I am extremely sorry to those I upset through this story, I feel much better knowing I am able to clear my name.

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