Sad Max

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David, being the idiot he was, was crying over the fact it was the last day. Every one else was happy and fine, especially Gwen. Oh, but not Max.

You see, Max didn't like life in camp. That's because his parents didn't care. But going home was probably even worse. He knew for a fact he would have to get off the bus and walk another block or so because his parents wouldn't come pick him up when the bus dropped them off. That's a block that he'd need to walk.

Max sat in his tent, holding Mr. Honeynuts tight to his chest. He didn't care if the others made fun of him for it, Nurf's first name was Gaylord.

He wiped his eyes in an attempt to not cry, but that didn't help. Tears trickled from his eyes and one by one fell on his teddy bear.

"Max! Your parents are here!" Nikki called.

"Th-they're not mine. They're Jermy's."

Jermy walked off with his parents, leaving max still in the tent.

His jaw tightened and he buried his face into his teddy bear. To know you're not loved or the center of attention is a feeling beyond words. Max took the teddy bear's right paw and caressed it using his thumb, feeling the soft fabric in between his fingertips seemed to calm him. Thinking about beyond his childhood made him amazed almost, and so he did that.

When he grew up, would he have an arranged marriage? Would his parents care enough to give him an arranged marriage? Will he grow up? Will he be handsome, or will he be just as ugly as Edward Pikeman? (Pikeman isn't ugly I just needed a person to compare to) Will he see open bob and vagene?

Gah! I'm never on anymore, I do apologize. I normally write in the car, and recently I've been staying at home.

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