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Once we were all settled in the van, the driver started driving. Ash was staring so intently at Michael that I thought he might burn a hole in him. I pulled up my knees and put my feet on the edge of my seat then pulled out my phone and started texting Michael. "Did Ash tell you guys why I couldn't go out to meet the fans?" After I pressed send I had to like I was still typing so Ashton didn't suspect anything when I stopped typing and Michael suddenly got a text the next moment. Before he could reply I quickly typed "Pretend like you're still typing after you send it so Ash doesn't think we're texting each other" "And wait a little bit to reply to my texts" I added. I heard phone buzz as he got the three messages and he pulled it out. "Yeah he did" "Well why did I have to wait in the van" "Oh it was nothing really" "What was it" I asked getting slightly annoyed. That bitch pretended not to get my text. "Michael what was it" nothing "Goddamn it Michael what was it" I texted becoming pissed. I looked at his screen, it was open to his texts, but not mine, it was open to a group message with all three of the boys. "Go look at the replies to my last tweet". It was from Ashton. Michael then opened up twitter going to Ashton's account. I guess he felt me looking at his screen because he angled it away from me before pressing on Ashton's last tweet, bringing up the replies.

Michael's P.O.V

Ashton had tweeted "It was great meeting all of you outside today" I looked at some of the replies "It was great seeing you, but where was Kirsten, she was in the interview" I scrolled down a little further and saw a reply to that reply "They probably finally got rid of her". That tweet had tons of favorites and retweets and replies. I started looking through them. "Yeah, finally" "Poor Ash, having her for a sister" "OMG her story about cutting herself making lunch, so fake, I know her she's a freak, she should khs already" I can't believe I follow some of these "fans", I quickly unfollowed them. "Oh my god guys, stop, Kirsten never did anything to you, you're not real fans if your hating on her" I Followed that fan, along with the few others that were telling them to stop. I couldn't read anymore, I was going to punch something or throw up, or both. Why did they hate Kirsten so much? We never had these problems before we released She Looks So Perfect. I guess it comes with getting big, I still don't like it. "We'll be at McDonalds in about 5 minutes" the driver says. Oh my god yes, food. "Yay, food!" Kirsten says. I text her "Wanna sit next to me when we go inside"

Kirsten's P.O.V

"Wanna sit next to me when we go inside" I was still pissed at him for not telling me why I could go out to see the fans so I texted back "I'm not talking to you" "Are you still pissed about me not telling you why you couldn't meet the fans?" "Maybe" "Well you look hot when you're mad 😏" I look over at him and glare and reply "I know your game Clifford, it's not gonna work". Just then we pulled into the McDonalds parking lot. Once we went inside we walked up to order our food. I ordered chicken nuggets, fries and a soda. But damn those boys can eat, I was afraid that they were going to run out of food. They each ordered three burgers and two orders of fries to start, to start, I could eat that much in a day. My food was out first, obviously, so I set my food down at a table with four chairs and pulled another chair up from another table. I sat down and started to eat. It was almost 10 minutes before all the other boys got their food. I saw the look in Michael's eye before they were even halfway to the table, he was going to sit next to me whether I wanted him to or not. Well I have my plan in mind, just before they got to the table I called out "Ash come sit next to me". Take that Michael, now he couldn't because Ashton was already agreeing to sit next to me. After 5 minutes of the boys sitting down a few fans came in, it was pretty obvious that they were fans, they all had 5sos shirts on. Oh shit, I knew them. "A-Ash I-I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I say as I stand up as quickly as I can and try to sneak past the girls to the bathroom. "Well would you look at that girls, it's Kirsten" fuuuuuccckkk. I turned around and said "oh um hi" "what are you doing here, Ashton kick you out already" one of them says laughing "n-no, we're just stopping for lunch" I say staring at the floor. "Oh because heaven knows you need more food" another one says. I look up at the three if them laughing and it's clear that they haven't noticed Ashton standing right behind them. Just as one of them was about to open their mouth again, Ashton cleared his throat. The three of them turned around while laughing but instantly stopped once they saw who it was. They were all speechless, they tried to mutter some words explaining but they couldn't get much more than the first few syllables out. Ashton's face was red and his fist were clenched, he would never hit a girl but he did it anyways. He said "do any of you want to explain why you're wearing my bands shirt yet you are picking on my little sister." None of them could get any words out so Ashton just said "ready to come back to the table K?" I nodded my head and we walked back to the table. "Who the hell were they K?" Ashton asked. "Some girls from my school" "well don't listen to them. I would never kick you out, and did they really say you need to lose weight, are you kidding me, you don't need to lose weight K" "yeah you're perfect Kirsten" Michael said, well that was a risk, and by the look on Ashton's face, it didn't pay off. "I can't believe they wore our shirts and listen to our music and had the nerve to bully you." Luke piped in. "I know, unbelievable" Calum echoed. "Well I'm actually going to the bathroom this time." I say as I stand up to head to the bathroom. Once I use the bathroom and as I'm washing my hands and the three girls walk in. "Well that was some stunt you pulled Kirsten" one of them said "making us look like bullies infront of our favorite band" said another, finishing the first ones sentence. Oh my god, ok, they learned about 5sos like two months ago. It is not their favorite band, they are 5sosers, yeah I keep up with the fandom. I try to leave but they back me into a corner. "Not so fast Kirsten" "yeah, we want to have a little talk" oh shit. One of them grabbed my arm and said "yeah, sure, on accident" and threw it down. "You deserve them, too bad you didn't go deep enough" "stop, can I just go, please" "what's the matter, Ashy not here to save you" one of them taunts. "Stop, just let me go" I pleaded.

Ashton's P.O.V

"What's taking her so long" Calum complains. "I don't know, girls take forever in the bathroom" Luke replied. Yeah, but Kirsten was never one to take a long time in the bathroom. Then I remembered those nasty girls walked in the bathroom after her. "Guys, I think Kirsten's in trouble, those girls walked in the bathroom after her." We all got up and walked over to where the bathrooms are. I could hear Kirsten inside "stop, just let me go"

Michael's P.O.V

"Stop, just let me go" that was all I needed to hear.

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