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After about 5 minutes of deep breathing I regain my composure and finish unpacking and place all my bras back in my suitcase and put it in the closet, as not repeat the encounter that had happened earlier. But I couldn't help but wonder what had gotten into him, in a matter of minutes he had gone from rude and awkward to cocky and acting like a douche. I'll talk to one of the other boys about it later. I look at the time and it's 5:48, dinner time. I walk across the hall and knock on Ash's door and open it "hey Ash.... what are you doing in here? I say as I notice Michael in Ashton's room. "What princess, didn't expect to see me?" He said sarcastically. "No, I thought this was Ash's room" I said hesitantly. "It is, if you didn't notice, there's three bedrooms and five of us, we all share rooms" "oh" I said quietly "well can you tell me where Ash is?" "Yeah, he's downstairs" "thanks" I half-heartedly reply as I walk out and downstairs. As I get to the bottom I see Ashton sitting on the couch, feet propped up on the coffee table, scrolling his phone. I sit down next to him propping my feet up as well and lean onto his shoulder. "Hey Ash" "hmm" "what's for dinner" "I don't know, do you want pizza or Chinese?" "What" I reply "you think any of us can cook?" "Well no" I say getting quiet "but I can". "YOU CAN!!" I hear Luke scream from across the room. "Yeah, do you have any pasta?" "Uh, I think so, I'll check the pantry" Luke says getting up. Ashton puts down his phone and asks "So what's up little sis?" "Nothing much, oh tomorrow we need to get a dresser" "a dresser? What for?" "Um Ash there are certain articles of girls clothing that are not meant to be hung on display, if you know what I mean" "say no more, I don't need to hear about any of that, we'll get you a dresser." Just then Luke screams "we have pasta" from the kitchen. "I guess that's my cue" I say getting up from the couch and making my way to the kitchen. There stands Luke with a box of spaghetti. "Ok, you're going to be my helper" I say "ugh, really" "yes really, if you want to eat" "ok ok fine" he says. "Ok, first get me a pot" I say, not knowing where anything is. Luke goes in a cabinet and produces a large black pot. "Thank you" I say taking the pot from him and placing it under the faucet, filling it with water. "Now, a mixing spoon" I demand carrying the pot over to the stove, turning the burner on high. Luke grabs a wooden mixing spoon out of a drawer. After a short minute Luke asks "well now what?" " we wait for the water to boil" "what, but that's going to take forever" "hold your horses" I say earning a groan from him. "So, how do you like it here so far?" He asks, leaning on the counter. "Um it's ok" I say feeling the most comfortable with Luke because he is my age, Michael and Calum are only a year older, but still. I then noticed the water had started to boil and I added the spaghetti and started stirring. "So you guys have to share rooms?" I asked. "Yeah, it kind of sucks sometimes but it's not that bad" he answers. "Um just between you and me, what is going on with Michael, one minute he's rude as hell and the next he thinks he's hot shit" I ask. "He just broke up with his girlfriend and he's taking it hard, he's not used to sharing a house with a girl either, never had to do it before." "Hey do you guys have a strainer" I ask hopefully, not expecting them to have one. "Uhh, I think you're out of luck there." Damn it "its ok, I'll just be extra careful draining the water" I say. I pick up the pot with still boiling water and carefully walk over to the sink and slowly try to pour out the water, I loose a few noodles but for the most part I did ok, until I got to the very end, some water dribbled along the bottom spilling onto me and burning me cause me to scream and put the pot down.

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