It's Just Medicine [1]

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|| A Short Note from the Author ||

If you have not noticed, I am at a very awkward and dreadful case of writers block. So we will be taking a small break from this story until I get everything straightened out. However, this does not mean I won't keep updating. Instead, I'll give you the planned bonus chapters a bit early.

These chapters are different, as I will be taking the cast of RBS and putting them in different historical situations. For example, the small series, 'Its Just Medicine' will be set in the 1890s. And others might be set in WWII, the renaissance period, 1847 in Ireland, and many more. These stories within this story will focus on all the characters, rather than just Emma one person.

So here is the first installment of the historical au fanfiction within a fanfiction.

But first, here are some character profiles:

Emma Chota: sent to the asylum portion of the medical institute for hysteria and refusal to eat. Middle class, as she does not have to work in a mill and family has money, but not enough to live in posh neighborhoods

Charlie Hutchinson: in a coma, for he has influenza. Working class, works in a book binding factory

Dash Honsey: Has polio, encased in an iron lung. Apprentice in a shipyard

Jordi Polocios: an "unknown illness in bone tissue in leg", as he needs it amputated. Indentured servant to German family

Leo Roth: "unknown illness in bone tissue", had leg amputated, and now has gang green, so is being kept in hospital. Middle class, as he doesn't have to work in a factory, but not enough to live in posh neighborhoods

Kara Souders: unknown heart issues. Smokes and drinks. Upper Class, comes from a very rich family that live in posh neighborhoods

Waverly Pediatric Medical Institute and Asylum
December 6th, 1888
New York City


"Shall we?" Jordi asks daringly. I wrinkle my nose. Leo mutters a name under his breath, and I can't quite make out what he said. Something about a mad girl who had a name that began with an E. I hesitate.

"You're not scared, are you Kara?" Leo looks at me, and back at the building.

"Of course not. Lets go then." I say, and we all walk toward it. We divert from the path and take the road less traveled. We enter through the service entrance. Once we get inside, something doesn't feel right. The air is too still, but yet it is filled with moans. And there's this horrid stench competing from somewhere.

As we walk down the hall, we come to a room full of beds. But they aren't normal ones. They have these metal cages over them, holding small children in a very confined space, much like the iron lung. Only this seems more inhumane. I can't exactly describe the horrors I saw in that place. I just know some of the stuff they are doing is wrong.

We saw children in straight jackets, teens standing up in these wooden boxes with tops on them, so that only their heads are poking out. We passed this one small boy laying sprawled on a bed, looking very dumb and lame. He wailed and wailed. And when you looked in his eyes, there was so much fear and pain. No madness. Just suffering and terror.

We go up a floor, and keep walking. Leo is leading the way. It's as if he's searching for someone. He pokes his head into every room, walks by every bed, looks at everyone carefully. Alas, I may never know. But I have a good feeling I will when Leo breaths a sigh of relief when we come to a room. The door is shut and locked, but there's a small slot so I can get a peek.

A girl, about our age, sits facing a window. Moonlight shines through and cascades over her shoulders like a glorious curtain. It's a rather small room, with a chamber pot in the corner, and a very rickety bed against the wall.

But what really strikes me, is she's deathly thin. She's so pale. As light and dull as whitewash. Her hair has been pulled back into a tight bun, and it looks as if it will break any second. I can see her shoulder blades, her spine, everything! Her skeleton is more than visible. The very small gown she wears is too big for her, and is falling off one of her shoulders.

My stomach turns with sickness. Leo fiddles with the lock, and eventually gets the door open.

"Please," the girl even sounds frail. "I don't want more treatment!" She begs. Leo carefully walks over, and we follow. We hear her crying. Jordi and I look at each other. He mouths something about her being mad, and to ignore her babbling. But I know, Leo chose this room for a reason. Leo sits down next to her.

"It's okay Emma. It's just me." Ah, so that's her name. Emma. It doesn't sound lik.e a name for the insane.

"You gave me such a fright!" She cries out, and starts shivering furiously. Leo pulls her close, and holds her whilst she sits there, freezing. How very inappropriate, a man to hug a woman in public place. Very Scandalous.

"Uh, hello? Anybody home?" I ask Leo.

"What are you talking about?" He gives me a quizzical look.

"Why are you touching a mad girl?"

"I'm not insane..." Emma whispers.

"She doesn't eat. That's why she's here. But she shouldn't be." He says. I go over and look Emma straight in the face.

"Should've tried corsets." I shrug. She's stopped shivering, and glares.

"I don't want my rib cage crushed like yours." She shoots back. Smart mouth much? Jeez.

"So unhealthy, right? Not like, starving yourself." I grin, and walk away.


Katrina is simply a dreadful person.

With Emma, you can't spout of insults like a fire. You have to be gentle and patient. Sure, she's almost dead, but aren't we all? She doesn't deserve such punishment. She doesn't deserve to have a lobotomy, or be put in straight jackets or have medical experiments done on her. All of these things she has endured. I wonder how she's still sane.

Of course no one listens, so she'll be written off as insane, but who wouldn't be a bit after being cooped up in straight jacket or put on hydrotherapy tanks for days. They say it's just medicine. But is it? Is it just a futile attempt to control what they don't understand?

"Emma, is it?" Jordi asks. She nods. "If you're not eating, shouldn't they be looking for an illness, not insanity?"

"I'm locked away because I don't want to ingest another morsel of food to make me look like an obese mule." She states. Jordi looks at Kara and back at Emma, before backing away. After a few moments of silence, they eventually leave the room. It's then myself and her.



"You'll get out of here. We both will."

"And then what? I go back to being a hired girl? Having my employer shove food down my throat unwillingly? I'd rather the streets than the manor." She says, fiddling with the edge of her nightgown.

"I'd never wish suffering upon, you keep that in mind." She nods.

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