A Whaler's Lament [1]

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|| A Short Author's Note||

It's 1841, in Mystic, Connecticut.
Prime time of the Whaling industry. The infamous Whaler, the Charles W Morgan, has docked in its hometown to unload and reload the crew. This story is about the good, the bad, and the ugly of the whaleships, but also the lives of the family of those brave sailors.

DISCLAIMER: due to the time periods and scenarios of certain chapters, some characters may be excluded for historical accuracy purposes. But all of the characters WILL appear in time.

And if you really want to get into time period, listen to some sea shanties, such as 'One More Pull' and 'Fish in the Sea' and 'Bonny Ship in the Diamond'.

Our Cast of Characters

Leomaris (Leo) (yes, it's a real name! It means 'Lion of the Ocean' in Latin) Roth: A 19 year old whaler on the Charles W Morgan, heart belongs to Emma Chota

Emma Chota: considered an old maid at the current age of 18, works in a  general grocers in the seaport

Karalina (Kara) Souders: 17, and looking to win the heart of a suitable man (Leo, we know that she HAD a thing for him), works in the post office

Jordi Palacios: 18, a whaler on the Charles W Morgan who was picked up from Purterico


My legs shake as they hit the dirt and oyster road.

My whole body trembles with excitement. Even after we docked, I was still on to unload the riches that the ocean bestows. But now, with my canvas sack over my shoulder, I embark on another voyage once again, but with the best destination: home. The sack is heavy with laundry and personal belongings. But somehow, I do not feel the weight. I am ecstatic.

I hastily walk to my home on the shoreline. I come upon the wooden shingled and pale blue home. Layne, my sister, hangs garments to dry.

"I hope ya have some potato soup and bread ready for me, I'm famished!" I call out to her. She looks up and smiles. She runs to hug me.

"You're back! Oh, mother has prayed for your safety, and as did I. Emma has missed you terribly." She adds quietly.

"Miss Chota, has, eh? Well I supposed I shall make an appearance later today," I show a grin, "Now what about the food? It's dinner already."

"After you." She grins as well, picking up her wicker basket and putting it on her hip. Together, we go inside.


I shake out my hand.

Writing with these new fountain pens is a bit less challenging than quills, but I still have a tendency to grip it a bit too hard.

"Okay, Miss Doubler, I have one half pound of soap, five candles, three ounces of sugar, and I'm so sorry, what else?" I say, putting down her items on the counter.

"One can of crude petroleum." She smiles and nods.

"That's right," I go and look on the shelf, and come and place to can down next to everything else. "This is our last can. Lucky you got it."

"You'll get more since the Morgan docked today."

"Mm, I'm sure we will. Two dollars and thirty seven cents." I say, a bit distracted. What if Leo fell overboard, or that mighty ocean beast dragged him beneath the waves on a hunt. I know the ship didn't wreck, for it docked. I know I should focus on my work, but I simply can't.

"Emma, I'm sure he's safe. I share the same fear for my husband." She smiles, and takes the iteams I wrapped. I nod, and she exits. Another enters, face hidden behind crates and jars.

"Leo?" I whisper. But it's a new grinning face that emerges when he sets down the crude oil shipment.

"Shipment of oil for Chota?" He hands me the bill of sale.

"Thanks..." I mutter, and sign off. He leans on the counter and watches as I stack the oil.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I ask, a bit troubled by the fact he's just looking at me. "And who might you be?" I throw in.

"Jordi Palacios. From the isles of Puterico." He holds out his hand but I do not take it. Instead I focus my attention to stacking cans. "And who are you?"

"Chota. Emma Chota."

"Well, miss Chota, a pleasure to meet you."

"Did you want to buy anything here?" I ask.

"Sí. I could use some soap. Got any? Wait, silly me, of course you do it says so on the sign outside..." I hand him a four ounce block.

"27 cents." He pays, and then leaves too. Am I alone once again. Sighing, I rest my head on the counter.

I need to see him.
I am paralyzed with worry.


I hastily walk down past the marinia.

Miriam is breath heavy, showing she is exerting energy to keep up with me.

"So what is it that you need so importantly?"

"I told you, I need my tobacco." I roll my eyes.

"Poor breathing again?"

"You have no idea, you imbecile.." I sigh, and come to the gorcer's building. Some women these days, Lord have mercy! I adjust my corset underneath, and smooth my dress in the front. I am about to open the door, when I see two figures through the swirled glass.

They are wrapped in an embrace, hold onto each other for dear life. It appears to be Emma Chota, and some unknown man, as I can only see his backside How disturbing and scandalous! A man and women shall not show affection in any setting if they are not wedded, much less a public store!

I wrinkle my nose, and look away from a window. Some people are so indecent these days.

"Come hither, Mariam, we shall not be buying any medical herbs from a women who is indecent." And we walk along.

At least I shall have some gossip for my bridge game tommorow.

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