Chapter 3: I hate checkup's

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I tried to make a run for the door but Usagi AND Mr. Hiro both grabbed me by the arms and dragged me into the doctor’s office. Even when we were in there, they wouldn't let go of me. “So Hiro, who are you in love with now or are you still obsessed with men." Usagi asked with a grin on his face. I could see Mr.Hiro's face going red. He was embarrassed. “I-I'm d-dating some who L-Lo-Love's me for who I am" he stammers. I could see Usagi was having fun making my teacher blush. Then the doctor walked in. “N- Nowaki, you're Misaki's doctor??" Mr. Hiro asked in confusment. I'm guessing these to know each other. “Oh Hiro, I'll do your check up next so please be patient" Dr. Nowaki said, shaking his head. His jet black hair was moving so swiftly.

 I saw Usagi smiling, as if he found out a big secret. “So this is the lucky guy you're dating Hiro" Usagi smirked. In an instant, Mr. Hiro's face went bright red. “Yes, we are dating and I love Hiro for who he is" Dr. Nowaki interrupted. Usagi and Mr. Hiro had finally let go of me. Yes now I can go home, I thought to myself. I started to slip away from them and made my way to the door. Freedome. But then, they noticed me trying to make a run for it. " And where do you think your going?" Usagi asked. He didn't give me time to answer. Usagi grabbed me by the waste and slinged me onto the bed. Then I was cuffed to the bed by... hand cuf's? ok what doctor owns hand cuf's? Then a mask was brought to my face  and everything started to go fuzzy and then evrything was black.

( Inside my dream) 

I could see my school. What just happend? One minute I'm being restrained to a bed whilst having my yearly checkup at the Doctor's then I'm infront of the school i used to go to befor going to collage. I got really curious to why I was here so I went inside. It was as if I walked back in time. I could see myself taking my biology book'd out of my locker. I looked so inocent. Wait, this was the day when there was that big quiz . If I remember correctly, I got the top score in the class. " Hey, Misaki" a voice called to my past self. Oh crap! It was Brandon, the school bully and that was the same day he decided to take his anger out on me. " Were friend's right?" He never let me answer. " As friends, i believe that we should 'exchange notes in biology and by that I mean you shoul let me take your notes so I can ace this test. what do you say?" he ask's. " umm" my past self started, " Mr. fujoshima said that were not suposed to exchange note's and if we do we'll both fail and I would really like t-" My past self was cut of by the past Brandon, he had pined me to the wall. " What did you say, you brat" he shouted. I tried to call for help but I was cut off by a punch to the face. then followed by a knee to the stomac. I fell to the floor in pain. Once I was on the floor, I could see Brandon continulessly kicking me in the stomac. I could remember that pain so clearly. I ended up going to the hospital because most of my rib's were broken.

In that moment, I saw a light. As I walked towards the light, I could here someone calling my name. It was so soft and soothing as my name was called. Everything around me was going all fuzzy and then..... I was awake.

Once everything came back to focus, I could see I was sat in Usagi's arm's. why was he holding me as if I was dieing? " Misaki" Mr. Hiro shouted, sounding distrat. " you scared us half to death" Ok, what did I do this time? " What do you mean, I was only asleep whilst getting my checkup." I replied in confusion. " Misaki", Dr. Nowaki started, " You were screaming In pain and you started to sweat really badly. You also kept tossing and tuurning. Usagi and Hiro had to hold you down whilst I had to take your blood. Are you ok? " He asked in concern. " Yeah, I'm fine. I was only dreaming abou-" I cut myself off. I didn't want to bring that back up. I didn't want to remember the pain for a third time. " What was your dream about?" Usagi asked with compete curiosity. I really didn't want to explain my dream but I guess I had no choice. " I just had a flash back to what happened to me in Highschool, a week before going to collage. I could see my past and what happened." I had to stop cause I could feel a clump in my throat. I was on the edge of crying. Crap, I hate crying infront of people. " This guy, called Brandon wanted my notse because their was a biology test that day. Of course I said no but, then he got mad and he started t-to" oh grat, now I'm crying and infront of everyone. " Misaki, deep breath's, please continue" Dr. Nowaki told me. I took a deep breath and then I continued. " Brandon started beating me and if the teacher wasn't their, I'm sure that today I would be on life support."                                                                                                                                                                       Everyone stared at me in shock. Usagi then picked me up as if we just got married and walked out the door. " Thank you Nowaki and we'll be back the same day next year. Were done here" Usagi said and just like that, we left.

( minute's later, we arrive home)

 "Usagi, I can walk" I started whilst trying to free myself from him. He wouldm't listen to a word I said, just kept walking through the house with me in his arms.

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