Chapter 9: The call

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 *The splash of a puddle and the screaching of a car. Then one terrifying bang. The car had been hit by a passing truck. Two people were int he car and non of them came out alive. The people who were driving the car were a happy coupple with two loving son's. Only if they never left the house that night, they maybe still alive today. That was the last I saw of my parent's.

 The crash played through my head, like a record on replay. I whished that I  was in the car with them that night then I would of died with them and they wouldn't of left me and my brother here on earth all alone. Why were they taken  away from me?*

 I pry my eye's open to see that we were still in the van but the van had came to a hault. I try to strech but then I remember, Mr. Hiro's arms were still wrapped around my chest. I look up at him to see that above his left eye, there was blood streaming down his face. He had been knocked unconsious. I was terified, I wante this all to just end. Out of the cornor of my eye, I could see someone walking towards us. It was Shion, he had a pen knife in his hand. ( Awwwww, shit) He looked down at me with a smile across his face. Shion made his eyes level with mine so we were staring at each other. I tried to look tough but I was shaking like I was freezing. With one swing, the knife in Shion's hand came swinning down toward's me. I clenched my eyes as tight as I could whilst pushing myself into Mr. Hiro. But, the knife never touched me. Instead, Shion had cut the rope that bound Mr. Hiro's hand which were still around me but now down by his sides. 

 Mr. Hiro's eyes fluttered open. I was happy, now I didn't feel alone. There was an instant stop and I fell into Mr. Hiro who had caught me. What happened? "Look's like were here" Shion said with that grin growing lager by the second. Mr. Hiro shifted me so that he couldn't let go of me but it did no good. Sora wripped me from Mr. Hiro's grasp and Jun had just been taking pictures of  the action's taken. All three of the men were laughing whilst I was screaming and trying to wriggle out of Soras grasp.

 ~ Ten minutes later......

We were finally out of that stuffy van but the obivous down side, me and Mr. Hiro were probably going to die in about three day's. I could see Jun who was halling Mr. Hiro over his sholder, as if he was a carpet whilst Sora, was holding me bridal style. ( You're dead when Usagi get's his hand's on you.) We were both carried into room with chains, whips and a bunch of other thing's.

A/N: I'll let you guys fantisise on what else is in the room :p)

 The was blood stain's on the floor, probably from the other victiims. I felt my stomac come up to my throat, I felt like I was gonna throw up everywhere. 

 " Place them over there" Shion ordered whilst pointing over to the chains on the wall. Both Sora and Jun listened and threw me and Mr. Hiro against the chained up wall. Sora began to untie my hands to only cuff them to the wall. Jun did the same with Mr. Hiro. Then the cloth was removed from our mouthes so we could once again speek.

 " What the hell do you want with us!?" Mr. Hiro screamed at the three men. They all began to laugh. I could feel my sick feeling comming back up my throat which now could come out  but I had to hold it in. I was getting sick from lack of blood. " You'll find out soon" Jun smirked.

 All three men knodded at each other and then Shion walked toward's me with that big grin of his.  " Stay away from him!!!" Mr. Hiro shouted but Shion didn't listen to a word he said. I strared up at him with tear's in my eyes. Once again, he pulled oout his pen knife and held it up to my throat. I could see Mr. Hiro's face, he was terrfied. One hand was on the pen knife and his other was sliding up my chest. ( Why does this guy enjoy touching me?) Instantly, Shion cut my shirt open so my chest was showing. He then pulled my shirt clean off my body. Now, I had jean's that were cut into short's on and now I'm shirtless, what's gooing to happen next?

 Shion checked  out my body for a few moment's and then went over to Mr. Hiro to do the same as he did to me.  Mr. Hiro put up a better fight than I did but he was finally shirtless with his cream pant's cut into short's. Once Shion moved, Jun took a photo of us. Click, the sound of the camera taking our photo's kept running through my head. I felt like taking the  camera and smashing it into tiny, little piece's.

 I was looking around, trying to find a way to escape this damm place but, then my face was pushed in the direction of Mr. Hiro so we were looking at each other. I couldn't move my head, Shion was holding my head in place. He then pulled something out of his pocket, it was a cell phone but not any cell phone, it was MY cell. ( W.T.F, Where did he get my cell from?) 

I could see him scroolling through my contact's but he stopped at one in particular. He stopped at Usagi's number. " I wonder if Usagi's avalable?" Shion asked in a sarcastic voice. Befor I even had time to open my mouth, he pressed dial and hel the phone up to his ear. A few second's went by but then, I heard a fimalar voice say ' Yes Misaki' come from the cell. My eyes began to well up with tears once more. Shion held the phone to my ear and whispered in my ear what to say to him. I was about to object but he then Sora held a knife up to Mr. Hiro's neck and so, I just agreed. " H-hey Usagi, C-can you d-do me a favouir?" " Anything for you Misaki, what is it, are you ok?" " I'm fine, C-can you tell D-Dr. Nowaki to go over to you're house and then C-call me back please?" Their was a long pause on the line and then Usagi answered once again. " I'll call you back in a few minutes Misaki" and then the line went dead. Shion was laughing  whilst pulling the phone away from my ear. Sora put the knife away and walked away from Mr. Hiro. " I-I'm sorry" I whimpered to Mr. Hiro, trying to keep my tears back. " No Misaki, I should be sorry, I was unable to protect you" He answered back. Then my cell rang, Shion got up and looked to see who it was. It was Usagi.

" Misak, Nowaki is here and I put speaker on so he ca hear you. what's wrong?" Shion then  also put the phone on speaker as well. " Usagi, ( Shion) I'm here with Misaki and Hiro and I thought that it would be nice to talk to their lover's" " Who are you and what have you done with them!!!? " Dr. Nowaki shouted. ( I think their pissed off.)  There was a pause. Then, Usagi spoke up. " Let me talk to Misaki, NOW!" Shion just started to laugh loud and sort of in that cartoon villan way. Shion, still laughing away, walked up to me and pulled me up by my hair. I let out a loud gasp as I was pulled toward's his face. " Misak? What just happened, MISAKI!?" Usagi was now shouting. " Let him go, take me instead" now Mr. Hiro was shouting. I had to think fast to stop Shion from doing whatever he was going to do to me. " WHY DO YOU SKYPE USAGI" I roared. Everyone went silent.

 " I'm listening" Shion said, still grasping my hair. " W-well, if you S-s-skype then T-they can see everything y-you do instead of just L-listening" I knew it was a bad idea but I neede time to find a way to get free. Shion stood their, thinking. " That's not a bad idea. Sora, grab the laptop from the van" Shion bellowed. " Listen her Usagi and Nowaki, get on skype or else" He shouted and then punched my wound. I screamed at the top of my lungs and Shion hung up on Usagi and Dr. Nowaki.

Five minutes later.....

 My left hand was un- cuffed from the wall so that I could log into skype. It took me a few minutes because my hand's were shaking badly. Once I was in, my hand was re- cuffed to the wall and the laptop was taken away from me. Sora pluged in the camera and faced it toward's me and Mr. Hiro. Shion searched through my contact's till he found Usagi who was online. 

Shion pressed the video chat buttion...

And we began to conect.

 A/N: Hello my fellow reader's, I'm sorry if this chapter suck's but the next one I will do my very best. Promise, I'm also sorry for the long wait. This chapter was also really hard to write. I couldn't think. Please don't hate me. Instead, vote, comment because it's more fun. P.S. Thank you for all the read's 436 is a really big nuber. lol :P

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