Chapter 6: What the -

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I could hear the scream's of people around me but I could not see anyone. I wanted to open my eye's so I could see what was going on around me. I could feel to people holding my arm's and dragging me around. What's going on?

" Where's this kid's classroom" A voice grumbled, I had no idea who he was talking to but man did his breath smell. 

" Classroom 2B, that's what I got off the school record's" another voice said.I could feel my feet dragging behind me, where were thease guy's taking me? I felt a light tap on my right cheek, with every tap it became more forcefull to my face. I open my weary eye's to see myself staring into someone's pale, blue eye's. I wanted to scream but all that came out was muffeled sound's.

 " Keep him quiet" the guy  infront shouted. I looked around to find out who was restraining my arms so I couldn't move. There were to masked guy's, one holding my left arm  and the other holding my right. They were both really tall from my prospective but then again, I was the one being dragged here. I continuously sqerming, trying to break free from the tall guy's grip on my arm's but with every movement I mad, their grip got tighter and tighter. My mouth let out tiny scream's of pain from the tightness around my arm's.

 The guy infront must have herd my tiny yelps 'cause he stopped and turned around to face me. The guy grabbed my chin and pulled my face toward's me, now our eye's were connected. I felt like he was looking into my soul. " Put this around his mouth" he announced, looking into my eye's. His gaze was as if he was looking at prey in the eye's, ready to kill. Then, out of no wear, he pulled me into a kiss. I could feel his chaped lip's pushing againsted mine, not letting me go. He started to lick my bottom lip, as if he wanted me to open my mouth so I could let him in. I started to panic so I bit his lip as hard as I could. I could taste the metalik blood, dripping into my mouth. He instantly pulled away, holding his mouth. With his left hand, he clenched his hand into a fist and plumeted his fist down into my face. 

 His fist hit me on my right cheek bone and I yelp in pain. The guy to the right of me put some sort of rag into my mouth to restrain me from talking. Once he was done tieing up the material around the back of my head, he grabbed my right arm again and they continued walking. 

 ~ Ten minutes later

 As we were walking ( me basically being dragged) through the hall way, I noticed we were getting close to my classroom. Why were we going their? then it hit me, the girl that I was talking to befor this said that the kidnapper's were aiming for 5 victim's and so far, the head count was 3 victims. Shit! Were they gonna take another guy from my class on the same day? Once again I started to twist and turn my body, trying to break free from the grip of the two tall guy's that were holding ( basically dragging) me but it was no use. So I tried something else. 

 I flung my leg's forward and started to kick around. They all looked at me and tried to hold me but they were having trouble since I was flaling my leg's around. Eventually, the guy infront of me grabbed both of my leg's as if it was nothing. He then slid his grubby hand's up my thies. I could feel my face going red. He just smiled at me with a sinster grinn. " Oh I think I'll have fun with this one" He smirked. I had no time to react, his hand was now in between my leg's, rubbing my member. Now my face was going bright red from embrassement. I couldn't hold back the tiny moan's from behind the cloth, covering my mouth. My leg's felt paralized. After 1 minute of him rubbing my member, he finally let go and pulled a role of duck-tape from his pocket. He started to wrappe the duck-tape around my ankles, once he was done with the duck-tape, he shoved it back into his pocket and started to walk toward's my classroom. I could feel tear's running down my face. I guess in that moment in time I wanted to curl up in a ball and stay in the darkness.

 ~ Outside my classroom

  " All right" the guy infront started, " Pick the kid up". Both of the tall guy's picked me up. What the hell were they gonna do to me? The guy infront of me kicked down the classroom door, I could hear everyone inside screaming. In that split seconed, the guy's that picked me up, threw me into the classroom. I landed on Mr. Hiro's desk with a loud thud. I groned in pain. Everyone in  the room was either screaming or crying at what they just saw. I wanted to get up and show I was ok but I couldn't excatly do that. Mr. Hiro was standing infront of all the student's in the class but I could feel that he was looking at me in shock/ fear for my life. He ran up to me and held me in his arm's. I just broke out into tear's and I didn't care if everyone else saw. Who wouldn't cry if they were tied up, mouth raped, ' touched' and then just thrown into their classroom infront of a bunce of scared teen's.

 The one thing going through my mind was, who was going to be the next victim? I wanted to warn everyone what I knew but I couldn't for obvious reason’s. Instantly, the guy that ' touched' me came in and punced Mr. Hiro in the face. I could hear all the girl's squeak. The guy then grabbed me by the hair and lifted me up I went to go grabbe the guy's hand but the two other guy's came in and started to duck-tape my wrist's together. I tried to hold back my little yelp's of pain but one or two slipped out of my mouth. 

 " Hello kid's" the guy holding my hair started, " My name is Shion and I'll be dicussing a serious matter with you. Listen well and no one get's hurt. GOT IT!" everyone jumped and then nodded. I could feel how fightened my class mate's were. I wanted to hit this guy but that wasn't going to happen any time soon since I was all tied up. 

 " What do you want with Misaki?" Mr.Hiro asked. " He seem's like he could be alot of fun to ' play ' with" " But he has done nothing to you" " Yeah well I didn't choose him personally, the boss man did" I could see this was going nowhere. Mr.Hiro then started to walk closer to us. Shion then pulled out a gun from who know's where and pointed it toward's my head. I flinched at the sight of the gun. " Come any closer and I'll blow the kid's brain's out!" he shouted. He stopped walking toward's us. Shion just grinned. 

 He gripped at my hair tighter, so tight I felt like he was about to rip out a huge chunck of my hair. I yelped at the tug. Mr.Hiro must of herd me because he started to run toward's us. " Stay back, or I'll shoot!" he screamed. Mr.Hiro seemed to take no notice at what Shion said because he was still running towards us. The, Shion pointed the gun towards my right thigh and pulled the trigger. I screamed and let tear's run down my face as my blood flowed out of my right thigh. Mr.Hiro stoppd dead in his track's and just stared at me and then fell to his knee's. Everyone else was crying.

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