Chapter 5: One hell of a lie.

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" I want to meet you befor I tell you my name Misaki" The girl said. " I've watched you from a far for a while Misaki and, well...... Meet me behind the gym in a few minutes, once your done in the bathroom"  wait, how did she know I was in the bathroom? She never gave me time to respond, she just hung up the phone on me. ' That was strange' I thought to myself. ' Was that girl trying to say that she loved me?'  Usagi wouldn't be happy with me if I went to go meet her but she wanted to see me now and I couldn't just leave her behind the gym. I quickly put my cell into my pocket, pick up my bag and dart out of the bathroom. I was running through the hall's ( whilst trying to ignore the pain in my stomac) non stop. I mean, who wouldn't want to meet a secret admirer.

Reaching the gym

  I stopped to catch my breath before I went behind the gym, I didn't want to seem desprate. Once I got my breathign under control, I started to walk calmly behind the building. As I looked around the cornor, their was standing a girl with long, flowing brown hair with hazel coloured eyes. I walked over and said hi. " Oh, Hi Misaki" she replied. " Who are you and what did you wanna tell me?" I ask, looking at her with a friendly smile. She totally avoided my question's. " You know about the kidnapping that have been going on around the area?" She asked. Why bring up that'' I thought to myself as I slowly nodd. She just instantly smiled at my reaction, as if she wanted me to respond in that way. creepy. " Uh, yeah but what made you wanna talk about that?" I ask. She wouldn't stop smiling.

 " Well you know that their has been 3 victim's so far and they have all been boy's" She continued, " But, the funny thing about all this is that the boy's were 15, 16 and 17" now she was really freaking me out. Was that the reason why I've seen all the 18 year old's staying close together? Or was it just my imagination getting the better of me? plus, what did this girl know anyway.And just as if she could read my mind, she answered my question. " I've herd that the kidnapper's are trying to have at least 5 victim's and if I'm correct, the next victim's will be about 18 and 19, since there's a pattern in the age group." She said, with an evil looking grin across her face. My instinc's were telling me to run but my curiosty got the better of me, I wanted to know what she knew. " It's great that you're telling me this" I started, " but, shouldn't you go to the police and give them this information?" There was a long, akward pause between us, then she spoke up. " I wanted to tell you, so that you would be safe" She replied. I felt  my face starting to go red. I had only just met this girl but it seemed that she 'liked' me enough to come and tell me, as if it was a wake up call.

 " Oh Misaki, I want to keep you safe, I know we have only just met but...... I love you and I want you to marry me! " she shouted at what was probaly the top of her lung's. wait, now she was sounding strange, you don't tell someone you just  met that you want to marry them, it's obsered! I stood their with a poker face.

 " U-uh, I'm flatterd and all but, why me? Out of all the boy's in the school why choose me?" I ask. She looked down at her shoes, as if she was displeased with my reaction.  " Well, I've alway's liked you, since the day we met" Wait, I've never met this girl befor in my life until today. Now I was really freaked out. " Hey" I shout, " I have never met you befor in my life, How do you know me?!?"

 She joilted back  as if I was going to attack her or something. " ANSWER ME GOD DAMMIT!" I screamed at her. I could see her expression changeing from love, to pure anger. She then looked up at me, with an evil grin across her face. 

 " I tried to warn the other's but they wouldn't listen" she whisperd. " What do you mean ?" I ask with confuzment probaly written all over my face.  " You know, the other's. I told them to be safe but they wouldn't listen and now look what happened to them" She smirked. Was she meaning the victim's of all thease kidnapping's? Then it hit me, she must be working with the kidnapper's or, was she the only female victim!!!?!!? And of course I open my big mouth. " Do you know who the kidnapper's are?" I whisper. She only smiled back at me. " And what would you do if I were to say yes"

 I looked at her with a shocked expression on my face. I wanted to shout ' I knew it'  right into her face but then she grabbed my arm. " H-hey, L-let go of me"  " But, you havent herd about everything that happen's to the victim's" She wouldn't let go, I just sat on the grass as she told me what she knew.

 " First, they pick out their victim very carfully. They choose who's body look's the best and how much fun they might be if they tried to fight back. Once they pick someone, they hunt down that said person and then they take that said person. Second, they see how much of a beating the victim can take until they black out and then they take a photo of the victim and send it to their famlies. Then, the victim is taken into a specail room and a video is taken of their life and-" she paused and looked at me and smiled. " N- no more, P- pleae just S-stop" I stutter. She stood up and then gave me her hand, helping me up. I swalowed down the big clump that was sitting in my throat.

 " I' ve herd that the final 2 victims are going to be from this collage" She smirked. I froze, I was probably waiting for her to say if she knew who the victim's were going to be. Then, the P.A came on with tis anouncement " All student's are to go to their home room's imedatly, this is a lock down and it's not a drill'. The girl started to laugh in histarics. I left her and started to run towards the front door's when someone grabbed my arm's and pulled me into a head lock. " Someone hel-" I was cut off by a rag pulled into my face. It had a really strange smell to it, then, everything started to go fuzzy. Then everything went black. 

What was happening ?

 A/N: Hey guy's I just want to explain that the girl in this chapter is not important. The character will not be in any other chapter's from this point on. comment, vote and overall, enjoy reading the book :). 

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