Chapter 16: Why did you save me?

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 My Nii- san had brought over his girlfriend and had told Usagi  and I that they were getting married. I snapped. I punched a wall and it ended with auasagi kissing me and in the end, we became a coupple, To me, this was perfection.

 I had just previously moved in with Usagi ( about 1 year) and I was cleaning up the house.  

" Misaki, be careful dusting the cabinets up there, you could slip and fall and end up hurting yourself" Usagi shouted from the kitchen. Like hell I was gonna fall. I've done this like 10 times now. " I'll be careful Usagi, I promise" I shout back.

 Cleaning the shelfs were hard but it gave me extra things to do around the house. I was on the last book shelf and with this one I had to strech to reach the back. I knew that this was dangerious but I was determand to clean the shelfs like they were presious marble statues made by the most famous sculpture makeing person.

My arms were extended to there full length and I was balancing on one leg on top of the chair. Big mistake. My foot slipped and I came crashing down like a to of books. My leg bent a way it wasn't suposed to and I whailed out in pain.

Usagis feet hit hard against the apartment floor as he darted into the room which I was crumpled up on the floor, holding my leg as the pain seeped deep into my body. 

My vision was blurry from all the crying but I could still see some what of mmy suroundings. Usagi didn't utter a word, he just picked me up bridal style and raced to the car whilst holding me close to him.

" Just stay calm Misaki" thoes were the last things he said to me as I became unconsious.


 My eyes began to flutter open and I find myself in a place I didn't expect to be. I was in my bedroom. Why was I in my bedroom?

I looked around but stopped at my righ arm. It was hooked  up to a mountian of machines and snake like wires were in my arm, how many was a mystery. My head was bandaged up and so were my legs and upper torso. I basically looked like a mummy. Hell I was one.

I tried too sit up but it only ended in tears. I screached out in pain as I sat up but I only fell back down onto the bed.


The door swng open and ran In Dr. Nowaki. what was he doing here?

The pain seeped deeper and deeper with every move I made. I couldn't even lift my arms without it hurting. 

" Misaki, stop moving" Dr. Nowaki ordered. He grabbed onto my  arm which my I say was a terrible idea because the second our skkin made contact, I screached like a banshee. Why was I reacting this way? Where's Usagi?

 My arms were pinned down to my sides. The memory of Shion raping me came back into play as I was held down to the bed. " S-Stop, I P-promise I won't D-do it again" I stuttered. Dr. Nowaki looked at me and I guess he noticed the pain in my eyes cause he instantly let go of me.

 Once my arms were free, I instantly pulled them over my head and not caring about the pain,  curled up into a ball, whimpering at the pain and the anguish I felt.

 " Misaki, please lie flat or your insides will rip open and then well have to stich it close it again" Dr. Nowaki calmly said. At first, I was hesatant but then I did as I was told and lied flat on my back.

" W-Wheres U-Usagi" I mumbled, hoping not to sound too hurt which obivously didn't work. Dr. Nowaki looked at me with sympathy.

" He's in his room and he's not allowed out" He replyed.

" W-Why?" " 'Causse if he saw you in this state he may do something recless. He could end up hurting himselfe or even hurting you"

" W- Where's Mr. Hiro, is he ok?" I asked. Dr. Nowakis expression said it all, he had a warm smile planted on his face, Mr. Hiro was ok. " Hiro's siting outside of Usagis room to make sure that he dosent try to get out. Hiro only had a broken rib cage and a fractured arm. Over all he's ok" His voice going lower with each word. I guess it must be hard to see your love in pain and you have to be the one to nurse them back to health.

" Can I P-please see Usagi" I begged, I really wanted to see him and tell him that I was ok. I wanted to hear his soft voice and feel his arms wrapped around me, engulfing me in a hug. Dr. Nowaki just shook his head.

" Maybe tomorrow, when I've finished you're x- rays. Untill then, he can't see you, I'm sorry Misaki" He responded. With that, he walked over and checked the Iv bage and changed a few of thoes weird fluid bags.

" Whats wrong with M-me" I asked. Dr. Nowakis face went pale after I asked that question. Did I say something wrong or did he just not want to tell me?

He was about to open his mouth when there was a loud thud down the hall. We both looked at each other in wonder until Dr. Nowaki looked into the hall way.

" Usagi, get back into your room" I herd Mr. Hiro yell. If I wasn't in pain then I would have laughed my head off but yeah, I was sitting in bed, barley able to breath. " Usagi, get into your bedroom right now or I WILL take Misaki to the hosptal and treat him there" Dr. Nowaki threatened. My face wen't pale at the thought of going to that hell hole. 

 There was silence and then heavy thudding. " You wouldn't dare" Usagi said. Finally, I herd Usagis voice. Without me even noticing, tears fell freely down my face. " I will Usagi now BACK TO YOU'RE ROOM" Dr. Nowaki screamed out the last part which made me flinch. I groaned out in pain wich was pretty loud.

" Is Misaki awake...."

A/N: Hey guys, I'm super sorry for the long wait. School's almost over but sadly I'll be gone for a week sometime in July or Augest. I know that this chapter sucks but yeah. If you want to follow me on instagram, my user name is hellopeoplez223 but pls no stalking. Keep smiling.

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