Chapter 7: Getting out

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 The pain was flowing throughout my right thigh. " I warned you" Shion smirked. " Shion, The boss want's him in perfect shape you know" One of the guy's that were holding me whispered. "THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!" Shion snapped. The guy nodded and then took off his shirt. ( What the hell!) He began to tear up his shirt into long strips. Once that was done he came over to me and started to wrapp it around my thigh. When he tied it together, the pain was excresheating. I once again screamed but it wasn't very loud.

 Mr. Hiro was still looking at me, I felt really bad because he must of felt like it was his fault that I got shot in the leg. So it was a little bit his fault but I didn't care, I just wanted to go home.

" I'll be leaving with two young, cute, sexey guy's today" Shion announced. ( Did he seriously just call me cute and sexey? Oh Usagi is gonna kick you're ass) " I've got one, now I just need one more." I could see the expression on Mr. Hiro's face, he was angry, pissed and scared for my sake. This wasn't going to go down well. " Take me" Mr. Hiro said in a calm voice. " take me and leave everyone else alone and let Misaki go, he's done nothing wrong. I'm the oldest here and thease kids are only teenager's." 

 Shion just looked at him as if he was crazy. I guess anyone would because one human life is never the equvenlance of another's life. And the fact that Mr. Hiro only looked 19 when he was actually 28 years old. Shion started to laugh in amsument. He then let go of my hair that sent me flying to the ground. I started to sit up when Shion's foot came flying down and he stood on my head which was a real pain. I groaned in pain as my head hit the floor.

" Sora, Jun. Grab him" Shion shouted at the two guys that stood either side of him. Sora ( the guy on the right of Shion) pulled out a cloth that was simalar to the one I had around my mouth and Jun ( the guy to the left of Shion who was also shirt-less) pulled out a roll of duck- tape and they both walked toward's Mr. Hiro. Why was this happening? What did I do wrong and why take only boys? 

 Sora grabbed Mr. Hiro by the sholder and threw him to the ground. Everyone jumped and cried at the sight of Mr. Hiro and I, binded so that we couldn't move. Shit. Jun started to wrap Mr. Hiro's ankles together and then slowly moved up to his hand's and Sora tied up his mouth. Mr. Hiro didn't even bother to put up a fight. I wanted to scream but all that came out were groan's from the pain in my leg. I could feel my vision starting to go blurry. I relized that it was my tear's, I had cried so much that day without even relizing. I tried to look up to try and shoot Shion a death stare but when I looked up, Shion was staring strait back at me with lust in his eye's. 

 Sora picked up Mr. Hiro (bridal style) and Jun picked me up ( also bridal style). I could feel my blood boiling inside of me. It was like I wanted to relase a beast and attack but the beast was bound by man's creation of horror. " Se ya later kiddie's" Shion shouted as he left the room. Sora and Jun followed close behind him. We were running when Jun suddenly stopped. He looked down at me and smirked. He then looked up at Sora and Shion who were also staring at me whilst smirking. " How much do you think the boss will give us this time for this one?" Jun asked whilst smirking and bobbing me up and down. " I don't know but I know it'l be more than this guy" Sora replied whilst bobbing Mr. Hiro up and down. Both of the men were laughting untill Shion cut them off  with the shot of his gun. They both then nodded and then continued running.

Five minute's later

 I could hear the sirons of cop car's outside of the collage. ' Yes, were saved' I thought to myself. I looked at Mr. Hiro and I could tell we were thinking the same thing. Shion, Sora and Jun were all looking worn out from running and were starting to worry since they couldn't find a way out. Suddenly, I saw a white van out in the field but that was the only thing their. " Shion, there they are" Sora shoouted as he pointed out the window. Shion's frown fadded into a sinster grinn. Instantly, Jun was running toward's the window and jumped through. The glass went everywhere, shard's of the glass were hiting my face. When Jun had landed on the floor, Sora ( still holding Mr. Hiro) jumped out the window next and then  Shion.

 They darted for the van like they were mice running for cheeze. I wriggled around, trying to break free from Jun's grasp on me. Suddenly, we all came to a hault, we were standing outside of the van. I could feel fear flowing through my body. I was terrified. What were they gonna do with us!?

THUMP! The van door slid open. " GET IN!!!!" A voice shouted from inside the van. Wam, we were thrown in like a sac of potato's. The dorr slid closed. I never thought that I would miss the sun. The van started to shake which ment we were on the move. I looked around, trying to find Mr. Hiro but everything was still blurry from the tear's that were welling up in my eye's. I wanted to go home, I wanted Usagi.

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