Chapter 10: Pain in his eyes

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I could only see pleasure and lust in Shion's eye's. He was going to enjoy the way Usagi and Dr. Nowaki were going to react to the way they treated me and Mr. Hiro.

 One moment, the laptop screen was the phone picture to connect and then, I saw Usagi and Dr. Nowaki's face in the screen. I wanted to scream out Usagi's name but, I noticed there were tear stains down his face. Usagi never cries!

 " Bring them forward" Shion ordered. Sora threw hand- cuf's to Jun as he walked toward's me, smiling. I fell to the ground when my hand's were released from the shackles. I didn't have the will power to get up, I just let Jun cuff my hand's behind my back. This probably upset Usagi but I couldn't do anything about it. I'm sorry. Jun grabbed my hair and just dragged me over to Shion, I was groaning at the pain and Sora did the same to Mr. Hiro. We were both thrown at Shion's feet. 

 We both kept looking at each other with both pain and anger in our eye's. I felt like this was all my fault, I was the one who sugested to use skype so they could see us. Why did I even sugest that!? I'm such an idot. I wish that I blead out from the wound. 

I was dragged away from my thought's from a pain in my head. Shion was pulling me up to the laptop screen so I could see the pain in Usagi and Dr. Nowaki's face. "This is the one who sugested that we used skype" Shion smirked. Usagi and Dr. Nowaki both knew this but still looked wide eyed at me. I tried to look away from them but Shion only gripped harder at my hair. The thing I hated the most was that Usagi saw me in this state. My chest was covered in brusies and I was almost naked. 

Dr. Nowaki kept looking me up and down then writing stuff down in a notebook. Jun then spoke up, " Shion, do you want me to grab the ' bag'?" " That's a good idea Jun, go grb it" he replied. Sora then picked up Mr. Hiro by his hair so he was in the camera to. This must of made something inside of  Dr. Nowaki because he broke the pen in two that was in his hand. " LET THEM GO!" Dr. Nowaki shouted. It made me and Mr. Hiro jump. Shion just started laughing at what he said. Jun then came back into the room with a duffel bag.

( A/N: Just a warning, from here Misaki and Hiro will be beaten and tourchered so if you don't like, please skip. This is a hard part to write. I'm crying ;( )

Shion then nodded at Sora who then nodded back. In an instant, he punched Mr. Hiro in the rib's. I herd a crunch and Mr. Hiro started to scream in pain." HIRO" Dr. Nowaki screamed. Tears were falling down Mr. Hiro's face. " I-I'm fine" he stuttered. Sora was smirking qutely to himself but I could hear it. I cracked. I got on my feet ( Keep in mind Shion still has a hold of  my hair) and flung my head back into Shion's face. " AHHHH" he screamed as he fell to the floor. Everyone looked at me stunned. Jun droped the duffel bag and began running toward's me, I just threw up my leg and tried to kick him in the privates but he grabbed hold of my ankel. I fell to the ground with a loud thud and screams fell out of my mouth. He twisted my ankel untill their was a loud cracking sound. He broke my ankel. Silent screams fell from my mouth.

 Jun then grabed me by the hair and then threw me against the wall. " Leave him alone!" Someone called from the background but Jun wasn't listening. He punched me in the face and then in the gut. I began to cough up blood. " Stop, you'll kill him!" This time I knew who said it, it was Mr. Hiro. 

Everything around me was going blurry but I didn't want to close my eye's. Shion finally got up and walked towards me and Jun. He pulled him away from me and I just fell to the floor and curled up into a ball. " Misaki, say something please" Usagi pleaded. I found the strength to move my head to the direction of the laptop screen, I saw tear's were flowing down Usagi and Dr. Nowaki's faces. I felt really bad. " U-Usagi, S-save U-us. Please." Tears were now falling down my face. I looked over to Mr. Hiro, tears were also falling down his face. 

 Me and Mr. Hiro were both dragged into the center of the room once more and then, Jun grabed two whips whilst Sora had two chain's in this hand's. Fear was running through my vein's. " Who's first?" Shion chuckled. " P-please don't" I begged. He wasn't going to listen to me. " How about youngest to oldest?" Jun sugested. ( Shit! SHit! SHIIIIT!!!) Shion just smiled and then grabbed my right arm and halled me up. " NO, I'LL GO FIRST!" Mr. Hiro sobbed. " I know how badly you want a tun but you'll have to wait" Sora mocked. 

~ Two minutes later.......

Two chain's for two hand's. My arm's were spread out like that sceen from Titanic. Jun was holding one chain and Sora was holding the other. I felt like I was going to fall to my knees but Jun and Sora prevented that from happening. I was faceing the laptop so I was staring strait at Usagi and Dr. Nowaki and they were staring back at me.

 Shion was behind me, holding a leather whip. I was shaking violently but I tried to look tough. Mr. Hiro was chained to the wall, just like before. " Please Shion, leave Misaki alone." Mr. Hiro pleaded but Shion just told him to shut up. I could see in the little box image on the laptop where I stood, Shion had raised his hand with the whip. I looked at Usagi. His eye's were full of pain. I gave him weak smile and closed my eye's.....


The first blow came down my back. My eyes flung open with pain. I was screaming like their was no tomorrow.


The second blow was horizontal. I could feel the blood dripping down my back. I couldn't stop screaming, the pain was to much. Shion then came infront of me, gazing at my upper torseo. He then whiped right down my chest. I gasped as the pain fell down my body.

" MISAKI" Usagi cried. I looked up at him and saw his face. " I-I'm so-orry U-Usagi." Sora and Jun let go of the chains and I fell to the ground. I couldn't stand, the pain was to great. 

I was then dragged to where Mr. Hiro was. He looked at me with sorrow in his eye's and then they dragged him away from me. Now it was his turn.


" AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" He screamed. I couldn't bear to watch as Mr. Hiro was being beaten.

~ 1 Minute later.....

 They bought Mr. Hiro back over but, they un- cuffed me from the wall. They tied Mr. Hiro's arm's around me and shackeled our ankels to the wall. 

" Usagi and Nowaki" Shion began, " I'll give you till 11: 59 pm tomorrow to find  them or they die." Usagi's eye's widened. He just nodded and Dr. Nowaki did the same. " USAGI" I screamed and then a cloth came over my mouth. The last thing I saw was Usagi crying and then everything went black.

A/N: I'm mega ultra sorry on how long it's taken me to publish this chapter it's just I've been going through some emotional problems at the moment but I promise that I'm alot better now. Next chapter may contain more violance and some life threatning things. No hateing please. :)

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