Chapter 12 : Time of dying

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A/N: Hey guys, im sorry that I havent updated in a while its just that once again, I'm gooing through emotional prob's and school is a pain in my ass. oh well, the best person in the  world is helping me through some of it and yeah. So here's chapter 12. WARNING!!!!This chapter contains suicidal thoughts. Read at your own risk!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  I awake to find myself back in Mr. Hiro's arms. Why they constantly tie us up together I will never know? Anway's, Mr. Hiro was knocked out from the pain that was inflicted on him by Shion. I could only imagin how hard it would of been. 

We were both covered in blood. My hole body shook from the amount of blood loss. My vision isnt the best at this point but I can still see everything around me. Were back in the room we were orignally bought into. Man this sucks. Suddenly, Mr. Hiro begins to wake up. 

" Ow" He groaned whilst trying to sit up. I yelped out in pain as my cut up back rubbed againsted his chest. " M-Misaki, are you ok?" Mr. Hiro asked with a scared tone. I tried to replie but all that came out was a cracked up sound. I was thirsty and found it hard to speak. " Y-Y-yeah" I put on a fake smile and he began to tear up. I then let my water works flow. We were both really scared what was going to happen to us. We've been here for one day that I know of and we had only about 12 hours and 30 minutes to live. I guess you could say we were pissing our selves scared.

Just then, Shion, Sora and Jun waltzed into the room with Jun holding that camrea of his, Sora with a gun in his hand and Shion with my cell in his hand.

" Hello ladies" Shion said with a way to peppy voice. Sure, me and Mr. Hiro are the ' females' in our relashionships but we defently don't want to be called a woman! Just then, the laptop was making that skype calling sound when someone calles you on skype. Usagi was calling. A smile crept upon my face as I saw his name on the laptop screen. Shion must of sceen my smile cause he was stomping over to us with a scowl across his face. 

" Answere the call" He snapped. Jun and Sora both nodded and pressed the ' with video' Icon. Within a few minutes, Usagi and Dr. Nowaki's faces appeared on the screen. Both of there eyes were red and puffy. I guess they were crying.

" why do they even bother to save you? If you died, no one would miss you"  Whispered in my head. Then I remembered that they had  come back a while ago. That must of been Suicide, creeping up on me. 

Why don't they just do us all a big favor and just let you rot away" 

" STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Everyone must of been staring at me from my sudden out burst but I didn't care. " M-Misaki, A-A-are you ok?" Mr. Hiro asked. I was about to answer but was cut off by a burning pain in my leg, where I was shot. I looked down at my leg to find that the stiching had come undone. Mr. Hiro followed my gaze and gasped out in horror. He moved his bound hands so that he applied pressure to it. Then the pain hit me in one big wave and I screached out in pain. My breathing became uneven and I was panting like crazy. 

 Shion knelt down next to me and grabbed a handful of my hair. First, he looked at me in wonder then, a grinn crept across his face. I didn't relize that Mr. Hiro's hand's were no longer around me but instead, I was infront of the laptop, staring into Usagi's eyes. " NO! Let him go!!!" Mr. Hiro was screaming, " He's only 17, do what ever to me in-" He was cut off by a piece of cloth being tied around his mouth to shut him up. 

 I no longer had the will to fight back. Everyone probably thinks that I'm crazy at this point. Maybe I should listen to the voices in my head.

" Yes Misaki, slip into the darkness. let it take over"

" SHUT UUUUP!!!!" I screached. I finally stopped when I felt something pressed up againsted my lips. Shion was kissing me.

A/N: Rape scen next. Don't judge me. Don't like then don't read!!!

His hands were up my shirt. This is wrong. I lifted my leg and tried to hit him where it hurts the most but I had no luck Jun put a collar around my neck that was attached to a chain. I was pulled around like I was a dog. 

I was dragged over to a matress. Oh shit, I'm in trouble.

Sora picked me up and threw me on my back onto the matress. Jun kept holding onto the chain so that I wouldn't run away. I could feel so many eye's on me. From Mr. Hiro to Usagi. This has to end. Someone save me!

Shion was now on top of me. I didn't want this. He pulled out his pen- Knife and bought it to my pants. In one swipe, he cut my remaining pants off. Now I was only in my boxers. He scanned me up and down but ending his lustful gaze on my croch. I knew what was comming and I couldn't escape.

I began to punch at his face but that only made things worse. Jun had tightened his grip on the lease and so he was basically chocking me whilst Shion planted a few punches at me, on my already bruised up face.

" P-P-pleae D-don't" I pleaded. That must of sent something through him 'cause he instantly ripped off my boxers. I was so embrassed but I had other things to worry about other than being embrased. I glance over to Usagi, I could see his pixelated face. He was pissed. I bgan to cry but I looked away from the screen so He couldn't see my face. But doing so, I was now looking at Mr. Hiros face. He was also crying, now my last place to look was at HIS face which I didn't want to do.

 I then felt him grab hold of my pole. 'Shit'. I gasp as he began to give me a hand job. My panting turned into screams of displeasure and pain. This was wrong. Shions lips came crashing down on mine and I did the only thing I could. Bite.

That erned me a slap from his free hand. I could hear everyone screaming in the background for them to stop. 

My legs were then prided apart from one another. Without warning, Shion shoved himself into me. ( When he took off his clothes I shall never know.) I let out an ear piercing scream. Shion just began to thrust and thrust into me. He never waited for meto be confortable. I felt something running down my thighs. At first I thought I was Shion letting his seed go inside of me but no, it wasn't. 

" STOP IT, YOUR TEARING HIM UP INSIDE" Dr. Nowaki screamed from the laptop. The liquid I felt going down my legs was my blood. Everything around me was turning into a blur. I still screamed from the pain. Shion wasn't stopping anytime soon. 

Then, something filled me up which stung a lot. I let another ear piercing scream. Shion pulled out from me. He had I grin plastered on his face. 

I was finding it hard to keep my eyes open. 

" Only 5 hours remaining Usagi and Nowaki" Shion mocked. That was the last thing I herd before I was consuimed by Darkness.


Save me.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while, I 'll try to get another chapter up this week. Also, I may not update in a while as well 'cause I'm moving into a new house soon so yeah. Please don't hurt me. * Hides under the covers* Please enjoy my book and keep smiling. :)

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