Chapter 18: The edge of insanity

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 My eyes fluttered open to the kind face of my brother. Yet when I looked around, I wasn't in my room, I wasent in the apartment for that matter. Where the hell am I? 

" Misaki, wake up... It's time for breakfast" My brother called..... Was that my brother? It looked like him yet that wasn't his voice. I gazed up at him realizing his face became distorted as if he was animated. He then turned into Usagi. what the hell...

 " U- Usagi?" I asked. The figure only smiled at me. Who is this person? " What is it Misaki?" He asked. " W-where is M-my brother, he w-was here a s-second ago"  My words would only come out in a stutter. Why was my voice like that?

 Yet again, the figure changed but this time, I really hoped that it didn't change. This time, the face was Shions face and he looked at me with nothing but lust in his eyes. My breathing hitched and I began to panick. 

 I attempted to get up but i couldnt move. My gaze wandered to my right and i found my wrist cuffed to what seemed to now look like a metal bed. Then I looked down... I was naked. Tears began to stream down my face like a waterfall. I had to escape, I needed to. I don't want this to happen again!

 My body began to shake in fear as he ran his fingers along my stomach. My legs were no use to me cause they were also strapped down to this cold slate known as a table.

" P-please don't D-do this..." I begged but he only seemed to take pleasure in my pleads. He bent down and began to nibble along the inside of my right thigh. I began to cry harder as he moved closer to my member. I didn't want this, I didn't want it to happen again. Why was this happening to me yet again? What have I ever done wrong? Wheres Usagi in all of this???

" U-  Usagi, P-please save M-me..." I whimpered. That only got me a slap to the face. " shut up you piece of shit" He demanded. That only made me cry even harder, if that was even possible. Just then, I herd a bang, like the sound of a gun going off. My head snapped to the direction of the sound.

 Standing in the door- way was non other than Usagi. Hope had finaly came back to me. Shion sat up and then pulled out that dreaded pen knife of his. He bought it up to my neck within seconds. I could here Usagis breath pick up speed and I could feel his body tens up yet we were no where neare each other.

 A burning pain shot through my chest and I found it hard to breath or even inhale for that matter. I looked down to only find shions pen knife stcking out of my chest, right where my heart is. Usagi let out an ear shattering scream which only effected Shion, I on the other hand headed to the ground. I could feel my blood leaking out of my body, soon to become a corps.

 " MISAKI" Usagi screached as he sat down next to my body. wait, how did I end up from being bound to a table to being in a heap on the floor, slowly fading away. Why was I going so soon? I dont wanna die!

 ' yes you do and you know it Misaki, just admit to defeat!' 

 'Ya, just give up. your only making this harder on yourself'

 ' No, he's making everyone more mad at him and so then they really want him gone.... FAST'

  ' That does seem to have some logic to it' 

 ' Of course it does' 

" G-get ouf of M-my head' I whaled but they only laughed at me, making me feel worthless. Why did they have to come waltzing back into  my life? I was doing fine and then I forgot to lock the back door and they sliver in like an infection. There tearing me apart.

 " ....." Huh? I thought someone just call me but I must be imagining things. No one is comming to save me this time, I'm dying alone this time. No hero is comming to save me. I'm going as nothing.

" ... Misaki....." O.O ok now I know someone IS calling me. It souds so fimlar but I cant put a name to the voice, Now thats gonna bug me for the rest of the day, Or at least whats left of it which probably nothing.

" Misaki" After that last call to me, I saw a light. ( I know I use that sentance/ scen alot but just role with it ) but this time it wasn't the normal vinala looking light. No, this time it was a very pale baby blue color. My eyes became heavey as I felt someone pick me up. I look up  to see whos carring which made me widen my eyes by there face. It was my deceased father carrying me towards the light. 

" It's not your time yet my little one" he simply said and with that, everthing faded to black.

" MISAKI" A voice hollared. My body lurched forward as my eyes bulged out and I let out a strangled scream. My breathing hitched and at the same time, it was hard to inhale and exhale.

I was then engulfed into his strong arms. My body began to relax into him. I didn't hesatate and I wrapped my arms around his nrck and began to sob into his colar bone. I can touch him again without freaking out. ya me! :3

" It's ok Misaki, It was only a dream" Usagi cooed into my ear. I began to sob into his sholder as he wispered sweet nothings into my ear. Why did I have a horid dream like that? Why  did I have to relive most of the pain I have experainced in my life?

 " Usagi, he need's rest" I'm guessing that was Dr. Nowaki. I felt my body being pushed down to the bed and instantly I began to panick. Was it going to happen all over againg!?

I guess Usagi could tell I was worried caues the next thing he did made me feel safe and sound. " Don't worry Misaki, I'm not leaving you." And with that, he laid down beside me and held me close to his chest. Instantly, I nussled my head into his chest and breathed intime with his steady heart beat. 

' Just fall into insanity, Misaki. It's so much better over here'

And with that, I fell into a dreamless sleep. 

Maybe I should go back to Insanitys cold embrasse.

 A/N: Hey my fefllow readers. OM GOODNESS I THINK THAT IMA GONNA DO A SECOND XD. I'll put a message in the last chapter saying when the first chapter or 2 are  published. But that also means that this book shall be comming to an end soon:( BUT KEEP SMILING MY FRIENDS, YOU MUST FOR THE LOVERS :). I feel like giving my amazing readers a nick name. if you guys wish, put your suggestions down in the comments and In the next chapter i shall give a shout out to all the names given and i shall pick out the one i fancy the most. KEEP SMILING :) 

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