Chapter 13: split second

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I was wondering in the darkness, trying to find a way out.

' Just give up Misaki, Usagi isn't comming for you. You might as well curl up and Die'

" LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!" I scream. I was cut short of my screams from a bright light, shining infront of me. I ran towards it and then I fell. Looking behind me was the worst thing I ever did. There, holding onto my legs was a shadow with a knife in his hand. The man took this time to his advantage and got ontop of me. 


Wait. Did someone just call me.Everything around me begins to go blurry and then, nothing! Everything was black for a while. 

I open my eye's to find myself on a matress with Mr. Hiro right next to me well, looking down on me. " Misaki, thank God your not dead" Mr. Hiro said with tears streaming down. I try to sit up with no prevail, pain shot throughout my body. It was hard not to scream. Little wimpers escaped my lips. Mr. Hiro must of herd me because he started running his hands through my hair. ( In the way a caring mother does) With him doing this, it did confort me but I longed for Usagi's hands going through my hair.

I look down. I'm still naked but right now I'm to tired to blush or do anything for that matter. " W-where are T-T-they" I stumble on my words. " They said they would be back in two hours. That was an hour ago so they'll be back in an hour. We have an hour and thirty minutes left till our death sentance" He replied. I could tell that he was happy they were gone but at the same time  scared. Who wouldn't be? I mean, your kidnappers have just left for two hours and you only have one hour left and they come back to kill you. Oh yeah I'm totally not freaking out. " O-our fate was sealed once we were bound " I mumble. Mr. Hiro looks at me with confusion but it soon turns into a sad smile. Full of anguish.

My eyes were becomeing hard to keep open again. Mr. Hiro must of noticed because he then held my face in his hands. " H-hey M-Misaki, S-stay with me ok?" I just nod and try my hardest to keep my eye's open.

1 hour time skip ( Because I'm such a badass)

Now I can barley keep them open. Mr. Hiro has to constantly tap my cheak to keep me from closing my eye's for to long. Just then, the door flung open and in came THOSE three with grinn's plastered on there faces.

" Only 30 minutes left boy's. I wonder if your presious Nowaki and Usagi can save you?" Jun chuckled. I tried my best growl but it only came out in heavey pants. All three of them laught at my attempts.

' Hey Misaki, ready to die yet. This will all be over soon enough and then you can float away' 

' yeah, or you could hold on until you can get hold of a blade and do it your self. You need help to kill yourself? your worthless.

' Misaki, let me get rid of this pain. Listen to Suicide and Cut. There right but Suicides way is more ifficant'

' Why thank you Depression' 

" S-S-stop it", I whimper. 

' But we can't Misaki. We are you and you are us. We are apart of you. Were like a leach that will continue to suck the blood out of you'

' We are the ones in the dark cornersp of your mind'. We are the ones that make you wake up screaming in the middle of the night.'

' And we are the ones that are driving you to insanity, and we wont stop until you break down like a wall that's decaying. You thought you would be safe if you surounded yourself with people you love but it looks like it didn't work. The second you opened the gate in  your mind, WE strolled back in. You freed us from the cages and now it's your turn. You can go sit in the cage and rot for eight years!!'

" N-N-N-no" I hollar whilst spitting up blood. 

' Just fall into the abyss full of hatered and sorrow. Fall in and never come back. Your not wanted anymore'

I need to fight back but how? Like they said, there a part of me and I'm a part of them. I give up.

I'm torn from my argument with myself by pain seeping throughout my body. Screaming fills my lugs. Shion has picked me up and is dragging me around from the hair on my head. I'm guessing he likes to pull people around by their hair.

I'm thrown up againsted a wall. I cough up more blood in the process. Mr. Hiro was being held down by Sora and Jun. " Oh Misaki, how should we end it all for you?" He grin's. I just spat blood in his face. That earned me a punch in the gut thus causing me to cough up even more blood.

Suddenly, there was a punding at the door. Everyone looked over to the door with a ' wft ' face.

" Where under Toyko, how could anyone find us" Sora whispered. So that's where we were. Shion grinded his teeth together in frustration. He put me into a head lock and shoved his trusty hand knife to my neck, giving me a scracth.  Jun goes and hand cuffs Mr. Hiro to the wall where we spent most of the nights.

The banging on the door became louder and louder, as if someone was ramming something into the door. As Sora was about to open the door with his gun in hand, the door flew off its hinges, knocking Sora onto his ass. The door fell ontop of him, knocking him unconsious. 

" WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!" Jun screamed. Just then

Two tall men walked in.......

A/N: Hey guys, was that good. Anaways, I'm debationg if I should do a sequiel to this once Misaki and Hiro a rescued or just do a skylox fanfic. What do you guys think? Please let me know and I'll try to get another chapter up this week. Comment, Vote and keep smiling :)

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