Chapter 20: What I've done...

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(Hey guys, whatz up? I know I haven't updating in such a long time but hopefully I'll be starting the sequel soon. In the sequel I may do it from more than just Misaki's point of view. Anyways, please enjoy ~)

I groggily open my eyes as I notice the blood stained floor next to my bed. Shit, I hope no one saw this mess. I don't want to explain myself plus, I don't want to wreck anyone's sanity. I know what it feels like to lose half of it. It pulls you and you feel unbalanced. There's no way to restore the balance. It'll stay broken forever. But then again, that's my opinion and others have said that their sanity has been repaired. I guess I'm a different story.

Dragging my fat ass out of bed, I trudge to my personal bathroom and grab my red towel. Soaking it in warm water, I wander back into my bedroom and begin to clean up the red liquid. This only took me a matter of seconds since I've done this plenty of times before. This basically became a routine that was drilled in my head as if I was in the army, having to wake up at a ridiculous time and then get everything cleaned up before I start 'training'.

After I was done, I threw the towel in the laundry basket and then changed my bedding since it too was bloody. Luckily for me, I did the laundry in this household. I never let Usagi touch the washing machine in fear of him breaking it. That meant if my blood did get on anything, he wouldn't notice it. Ah, the joys of being able to do things without anyone finding out. This was my little secret and no one could find out. And I mean no one!

Suddenly, there was a knock at my door that made me jump out of my skin.

"Misaki, can I come in?" Usagi's melodic voice cooed from behind the door. Shit! My blade was lying on the floor and I was half way through pulling my bloody bedding off.

"J-just a sec please, let me just put on a shirt, baka" I lied as I threw my dirty bedding in the laundry bin and sped put my new bedding on, quickly picking up my blade and throwing it in the drawer and closing it quietly as possible. I rolled down my sleeves and walked slowly yet scared to the door and opened it.

Usagi stood with a tray of chips, two soda and movies. 'Wondering if you'd like to watch a movie tonight" He smiled. Examining the movie, I noticed it was my favorite genre, horror. The Conjuring. I used to nag Usagi to let me see it before... yeah. Anyway, he always said he was too busy so I never got to see the movie.

I looked up at him and simply smiled and nodded my head. Balancing the tray in one hand, he held the other out to me, knowing that I never went anywhere with someone unless I held onto them. Don't ask, I just feel safer when I go places with people I hold onto them, even in my own home. Its Shion's fault!

Shakily, I grab onto his hand and realize just how warm he is. I gaze back up to him and see him smiling down at me. And not just any smile. That smile that makes me feel like everything will be ok. The smile that tells me that he won't let anything happen to me again that makes me go to the edge of insanity. I just love this man and nothing will change that. And I mean nothing!

He squeezed my hand in reassurance as he leads me from my room to the living room, where I find popcorn, pillows and blankets. It looked so perfect. Unlike me. I stood out like a sore thumb in this place and basically everywhere. I'm so ugly and filthy! My arms are battered as bad as my body.

'You should just give up on life!'

'You never belonged here in the first place!'

'You should just curl up and cripple away from reality.'

Great, they started again! I must have begun to shake because instantly, I felt someone wrap their arms around me. There was a plop noise that came from the couch as Usagi pulled me down so I was sitting on his lap. As if it was instinct, I curled into a ball on his lap and snuggled into his chest, breathing in his sent. A small chuckle escaped his lips as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Misaki, I still need to put the movie in." At that comment, I tensed up. I didn't want to leave his embrace.

As if my prayers had been answered, Mr. Hiro and Dr. Nowaki walked through the front door. Usagi had decided to give them a key instead of having him get up and answer the door. It was annoying to have to get up every time they knocked on the door. It was for the best for the both of us.

They both walked over to us, hand in hand. "Can one of you please put this CD in please" Usagi smiled. Dr. Nowaki nodded with a warm smile whilst Mr. Hiro had a frown planted across his face. "You could at least say 'hi' first you idiot" he shouted which made me flinch and push myself further into Usagi's safe embrace. Usagi tightened his arms around me which made me feel safer, whilst Mr. Hiro had a pained expression on his face.

"I-I'm sorry Misaki, I shouldn't have raise my voice" he pleaded. I just nodded and held my hand to him for him to know I forgave him. You see, I would do these little gestures to let people know certain things instead of me talking. For forgiveness, I will either hold out my hand or give the person a hug.

"OK, the movie's in. can we stay to watch to and then check Misaki after?" Dr. Nowaki asks as he got up and walked towards us. I simply nodded and patted the seat next to Usagi and I. This made him smile. He ran over like a cheetah and tackled Mr. Hiro into a hug on the couch. There were a few verbal words thrown by Mr. Hiro but was silenced by Dr. Nowaki planting his lips onto his. He moaned into the kiss which made me blush and put my face into Usagi's shoulder. He kind of got the message.

"Hey guys, break it up. I don't want anything happening on my couch." He giggled. Mr. Hiro pulled away and was blushing viscously. "I-it was him, H-he came on me!" He protested whilst Dr. Nowaki stat him on his lap and giggled.

"Let's just watch the movie" I whispered. Everyone looked at me and smiled. Usagi pressed play as I smiled in excitement of what the movie may hold.

(One hour and fifty- two minutes later since that's how long the movie is  I do my homework lol)

I yawned as the ending credits came to the screen. Everyone but me sat cowering from the movie. Things like this never scared me. The only horror movie I've ever seen that scared me shitless was Sinister.

"I-I'm tired" I stuttered as I rubbed my eyes, trying to keep them open. Usagi snapped out of being scared and smiled at me. He pecked my cheek and told me we would sleep on the couch since he was too lazy to move.

Dr. Nowaki and Mr. Hiro slept on the opposite couch from us.

And with that all done. I fell asleep on top of my lover....

(Hellopeoplezz whatz happening? Anyways, this is the last chapter to this story but fear not, I shall notify you when the first chapter of the sequel is published. Keep smiling 

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