Chapter 15: Catch me before I fall...

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Usagi and Dr. Nowaki both raised up there hands in defeat.

Shion and Jun began to laugh hesterically ( my spelling tho) seeming to forget about the unconsious Sora underneath the steal door. ( How Usagi and Dr. Nowaki knocked down that door I'll never know)

My hole body was trembling with fear and also I felt extreamily weak. I wanted Usagi's warm hands holding me close to his chest.

“I thought that you would never find us. I thought you both forgot about this place?” Shion smirked, giving a crooked smile. Wait, Thought you forgot? WTF is going on here? I decided not to question since I didn’t want to end up more beaten than I already was. But this was far from over for all of us.

My legs were shaking terribly but I tried to hide it with no prevail. Usagi and Dr. Nowaki both had a great big scowl on and looked like they remembered something they didn't want to remember. 

" Let them go Shion, they have nothing to do with what hppened back then" Usagi said strictally. What the hell is going on!? My mind is racing, I cant control my thoughts.

 " They have everything to do with what happened 10 years ago!" What happened 10 yea-

could they be talking about what happend on that fearful night? If they are then, how are they involved with what happened to my parents?

' Oh little, wothless Misaki,of course there not talking about what happened back then. We all know its you're fault that your mom and dad are dead. Face the facts. Or... maybe they were good friends of your parents and are still morning over there death and balme you. Thats why your here. Oh well, at least in the end your gonna die. Its a win win situation if you ask me.'

' It's all gonna end here and now on this day. The day everyone will forget and most importantly, everyone will forget you'

Shut up! I say in my mind, now being able not to blurt out my argument in my mind. I guess there right though, it's not like anyone will care once I'm gone. It will just be one more problem solved. 

" Shion, listen to me. What happened then was an accident. Things didn't go the way you wanted which ended in disaster. Me and Nowaki didn't want to get involved so we went seprate ways and that was suposed to be the end of it." Usagi said. My minds blown right now, what happened back then. It seems like there not talking about what happened to my parents. 

" YES, YOU REMEMBER!" Shion screamed, as if he was a mad man. ( Which I'm sure he is,) He re- grabbed pieces of my hair and I swear by the end of all this I'm gonna need a wig to hide all the bald spots on my soon to be hairless head. 

" You have no idea how much pain you two hve caused me over the years. That was the worset birthday of my life!" Wait, this guy is freaking out over his FUCKING BIRTHDAY!!! That's some serious bs ( Pardon my french). 

" We didn't want to play spin the bottle Shion, we didn't know that you loved us and didn't know that you thought of it as  a rejection" Dr. Nowaki added. 

I didn't know that these guys were gay to. Wow, small world. 

" Well I did get upset about it now didn't I. And why on earth would you two kiss thease two sluts instead of me!" Shion sobbed. 

Shion moved the knife now to my stomac. I'm freaking out. I'm terrified that if I breath to hard, the knife will end up in me and then I'll be dead. But then I guess if that happenes then no one will care.

I turn my gaze to Usagi, I can see he's on the verge of breaking down. If that happens I may also break down.

" Usagi, I always loved you the most. And then you go and betray me with this whore!" Shion yell's. I can feel the iron blade pressing down hader and harder on my skin. He had cut through the first layer of my skin and blood was sliding down to my legs.

I wimper from the pain, which of cours is coursing throughout my hole body. 

Jun had by now pulled Mr. Hiro up so that we were standing/ slouching side by side, sholder to sholder. 

Mr. Hiro held his head low in shame for some odd reason. Does he know what happened back then? I'm I the only one in the dark about what happened?

 " Please Shion, just let them go" Dr. Nowaki pleaded. This argument has no end.

I can still remember what Usagi said to me that day before I left for another bad day at collage. " Misaki, come home to me safe tonight, I wish to continue where we left off" thoes were the last things Usagi said to me before all of this bs happened. I promised that I would come home safe but I broke that promise because of Shion and his goon's.

 Instead of returning home, safe and sound, I'm taken to an unknown location to me, totured and raped and most likley supposed to be left for dead. 

" U-usagi" I stutter. His eyes left the anger look once they locked with mine. Instead of rage, his face was replaced with which looked like eons and eons of pain and suffering. I could tell, he wanted me back safe in his arms and things go back to the ways they were but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

 " Misaki, keep your strength, I promise this will all be over soon and well go home" Usagi said with an obvious smile pushed. He was trying to keep me calm. His gaze quickley returned to Shion but this time, with even more rage ( If thats even possible). 

Misaki, when he says it'll be all over soon, he means that soon you're life will end'

' yeah. So just give up already'

" STOP IT!!!!" I screach. Everyone looks at me as if I'm the psyco who needs to be in an asylum   (Thats whats propably gonna happen once this is all over).

 Shion didn't seem to like my reaction. " Shut up you slut!" he screached. He then pulled the knife above his head. 

( What ever a stabbing sound sounds like O.O)

Silent screams emptyed from my mouth as the knife thrusted into my side. My vision became blurry but I could still feel and here everthing that was going on around me.

I felt myself falling but I fell into someones arms ( I'm guessing Usagis arms) . I herd someone ahout something but there voice was muffled out by a ringing sound in my ears. " I-I'm S-S-sorry Usagi...." that was the last thing I said before I fell into darknesses embrace. 

' Finally, now stay down you ass'

A/N: Hey guys, I'm super duper trouper sorry that I haven't updated in a long time. But, the good thing is that I have a house now and I have internet. I'm sorry if this chapter sucks. I'll try to update soon. I'm still going through a few personal probs but doing this makes me happy cause I get to make you guys happy. 

If anyone reading this is a skylox fan, you should check out my sisters book, it's amazing. you should  check it out.It's called brethless. Keep Smiling :)

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