Chapter 4: The strange call

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"Usagi, put me down!" I shouted at him, but he still wouldn't listen. Then I noticed where he was taking me, we were heading starit for his room. Oh no, I hope he not thinking what I think he's thinking. 

 Usagi swung me onto the bed and then closed to door behind him. " W- what do you T-think your D- doing" I stutter. I could feel my face turing red in embrassement. He suddenly sat ontop of me, pinning me to the bed. ' Crap, he's gonna try to ' do' it with me'  I thought to myself. I started to twist and turn, trying to wriggle away from his grasp. Instantly, he pulled up my white tee and then just looked at my now what was showing chest. Now I knew that my face was bright red. " S-stop it!" I yell at him. " Misaki, is this where that kid back then hurt you?" Usagi ask's me, stroking my rib's, slowly going down to my stomac. " Y-yes" In that instant, he hugged my stomac and started to kiss my stomac at the same time. " Misaki, you can sleep with no worry, I won't let  anything like that happen to you ever again. I promise" I just smile and hug him back, as I fell asleep.

~ Next morning

" OH CRAAAAAAP!!!!!!!!!" I shout at the top of my lungs as I run down the stair's whilst trying to put on my shirt. " I'M LATE! Mr. Hiro is gonna give me detenshion". I quickly start to make myself some toast and pour a glass of orange juice. Once my toast was toasted, I quckly ate up ( not bothering to put butter on it) and gulped down the orange juice. I then instantly grabbed my bag and darted for the door. " See you later Usagi, I should be home fo-" I was cut off by a hand closing the door shut. It was Usagi. He then grabbed my chin and pulled me into a kiss. I slightly moan at the feel of his soft, warm lips pressed against mine. Without thinking, I let my mouth open so he could explor my mouth with his toung. This went on for 2 minutes and then he finally stopped. for some odd reason I was dissaponted that it ended. Then he spoke. " Misaki, come home to me safe tonight. I wish to continue where we left off" He said with a smile. I could feel myself blushing. " I- I promise, and I'll make us tea tonight" I say.

 ~ Misaki arrives at the collage

 I ran strait through the hall's with no stopping. If I stop runnung, I won't make it to class in time'  I thought to my self. I turned the corner and bumped into someone and I went flying to the floor, landing on my ass. " ow", I moan. I'm then pulled to my feet by someone grabbing me by the collar. " Hey, who do you think you are brat!" the voice shouted at me. The voice sounded so familar then it hit me, oh no. It's Brandon. I didn't know what to do. the last time we talked, he put me in the hosptal bed for 2 weeks and after that I had to take 1 week off school. I hoped he didn't notice who I was but, sure enough, he noticed. " Oh, it's you" ( he didn't need to sound so disapointed) " Little mouse Misaki, what have you been doing since our last chat" He asked with that sceemish look on his face. I just stood there, not knowing what to say, I hated that day of my highschool life. I needed to think of a wity coment then it hit me. " O-oh you know, wondering if you ever made it into jail or were still trying to work your way in" I reply, trying to sound tough. Brandon stood their, now giving me the death stare. " Why you little brat!" He shout's at me as he rases his fist  above his head. I knew what was going to happen next. I was terified and didn't know what to do, I DIDN'T want this to happen all over again. His fist came fireing down and hit me in the stomac hard. I fell to the ground, holding my stomac, the pain was excusheating. " Awe, did little mouse Misaki fall down" he smirked. I could tell he was enjoying himself. I look up, tying to give a tough face but I  was instantly thrown across the hall by Brandon's kick to the ribs. Crap, I'm gonna end up in the imfirmary again. Now brandon was standing right over me. " Say goodnight, kid" He said with a smirk across his face. I didn't notice, but we were right outside my class. I could hear Mr. Hiro taking attendance. ' yes' I thought. I knew that If he called out someone's name and they didn't respond, Mr. Hiro would go outside the class room, looking for us. I just had to hold out till then. 

~ 1 minute later

Brandon wouldn't stop punching me in the stomac. Everything was starting to go fuzzy, I didn't know how much more of this I could take. Suddenly, Mr. Hiro came out of the class room. " Misaki, where is that ki-" He stopped, staring at me who was on the floor, in pain and Brandon was running away. " Misaki!!!!!" Mr. Hiro shouted as he ran over to me. " Are you all right? what happened?" I couldn't tell the truth cause I didn't want to be in the imfirmary. " Oh, uh, Brandon just shoved me for no good reason but I'm ok, honest " as I say, as he pulles me up. I then quickly ran into the classroom, ignoring the pain in my stomac. I quickly take my seat, next to Haruka. " Hey, where were you?" Haruka asked in concern. " I woke up late" I resppond as I open my book. There was nothing said after that. I just wanted the class to be over.

~ 70 minutes later

 " And that conclude's today's class. You are all dismissed" Mr. Hiro said, closeing his book. yes' I thought, giving Haruka a high five. I had fogotten about the pain. " Misak" Haruka started. " Let's go grab a slice of pizza from the cafateria" " OK" I respond with the biggest smile I could possibly make. " Misak, could you please sty behind for a few minutes. I wish to talk to you" Mr. Hiro askes, as he came closer to me and Haruka. Great, what have I done this time. " Ok. Haruka, can you save me a slice", I respond in disapointment. " Sure, see you in the cafateria then" and with that, Haruka left.

 " Misaki" Mr. Hiro began, " Have you told anyone about yesterday, when I saw you at the doctor's" " No sir, I haven't told a soul. Even if I did, what would I have to gain from it?" I respond. Mr.Hiro then asked me about what happened in the hall with Brandon and if he was bothering me, then he would do something about it. Oh yeah, I totaly forgot about how now Mr. Hiro know's what Brandon did to me during highschool. " Mr. Hiro, Brandon did nothing, I promise" I protested. " Ok then, you ca go Misaki" I bowed and then ran out of the classroom. 

 I was almost at the cafateria when the pain in my stomac started to come back. I instantly dart for the bathroom. I made sure no one was in any of the stalls or anywhere in the bathroom. Once I was checking, I then put down my bag and lifted up my shirt. There was brusies everywhere, from the top of my chest to the bottom of my belly button. I couldn't tell anyone. Suddenly, my cell phone wewnt off. Someone was calling me.

 I quickly pull my shirt down and scramble through my bag, looking for my phone. I finally found my phone and answerd. " Hello?" I say into the phone. " Ummm.... Hi Misaki" It was a girl. I have never had a girl call me befor. Was she dared to call me? " I have something I would really like to talk to you about. Can you come meet me?" The girl asked. " Wait, who is this?" I asked.

 There was a lone pause..... Then she spoke again.

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