Chapter 1

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Lucy's POV

As we walked to our terminal, I felt the pit of my stomach twisting, and the tears pouring out of my eyes like waterfalls. Marcus tried to hold a conversation with me, but I ignored each of his attempts. No matter what I did, I couldn't get my mind off Connor, off of leaving Connor.

Maybe if I listen to music it'll calm me down, I tried. I carefully and weakly placed the headphones into my earlobes. I pressed play on my iPhone, stupidly not looking at what song would be playing. Stupidly, because You And I by One Direction started ringing through my ears. It didn't numb the pain, it made it more prominent.

I breathed heavy, reassuring myself I could listen to the song without breaking down. Then the chorus began. "You and I. We don't want to be like them. We can make it 'til the end. Nothing can come between you and I. Not even the Gods above, can separate the two of us. No, nothing can come between you and I."

"Except a world tour," I muttered to myself.

"Hmm?" Marcus questioned, thinking I had finally spoken to him. I didn't bother to correct him with a response. I just kept walking down the aisle in attempts to find an open seat. When one appeared I scurried in, praying no one could see my puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks. I sat down in the window seat and shut my eyes, praying a nap would help me forget the pain I was enduring.

Connor's POV

I think watching her actually go was the most unrealistic and hardest experience in my entire life. Once I had watched her plane soar into the sky, I headed back to the car. The boys followed behind, each not letting out a single mutter or sound. Surprisingly, there was no ticket on my car, but it didn't matter. 

My girlfriend was flying to Alaska. My exgirlfriend. I didn't want to think that we were no longer together. We promised to FaceTime every night, but I doubt it will happen. Long distance relationships do not last, and that's that.

I buckled my seat belt. Everything felt hazy, like I was drunk, like nothing was real. I tried to shake off the feeling of emptiness... until Ricky tried to ease the awkward silence turned on the radio. Alleyways by the Neighbourhood played. You know that "they never played that song on the radio" song.

All of the boys in the back went wide-eyed, while Ricky yelled, "I love this song!"

"You love every song," Sam nervous laughed.

I gasped. This isn't happening.

"Back in 1991, when the story first begun, I remember."

My brain stopped working, and my foot found it's way on the brake. My car stoped in the middle of a silent road. 

They boys became flustered, all asking what was wrong. But my feet knew where they were doing and where they were going before I did. I jumped out of the car and began to run. And run.

And before I knew it, I was exactly where I needed to be.

At the abandoned railroad track.

Lucy's POV

The plane landed in Alaska. Since the seasons were shifting into Spring, it was a bit dark there. I didn't mind, though. I preferred the dark. Marcus took me to our hotel. I had my own room. Scratch that. My own gianormous suite. My jaw dropped as Marcus opened the door to my home for the next few days. 

"There not all going to be this big," Marcus said waving his arms around to gesture towards the room, "But I figured you've been through a lot today, and you deserve a big room... and there's room service available twenty-four seven."

"Thanks," I managed to breath out. 

I unpacked one of my suitcases. This one had all of the clothes I'd wear for the next ten locations, along with my bathing suit, and other items. I slipped out of my clothes and into one of my bikinis.

When we were walking in, I had saw a spacious jacuzzi without a person in sight. I grabbed a towel from the bathroom, my phone, and my room key, and I sprinted into the elevator.

I was hoping no one would be in the elevator with me. Unfortunately, a big, smelly man stood, like an oager, right in the middle of the elevator. I squeezed myself in the corner and was reluctant to get out on the first floor.

I had to walk passed the lobby, which kind of sucked, because I was a vulnerable girl in a bikini with a towel clinging to my small frame. I did more of a sprint than a walk. I stopped for a second when I saw a man taller than me walk by. He looked about my age and his hair stuck up towards the sky. For a second, I swore I saw Connor.

But it was some random guy who was staying in the hotel with me. 

I sighed as I pushed open the door to the pool area. How on Earth can I calm down if I keep seeing Connor everywhere. First on the plane. Now here.

When I had woken up on the plane, I saw a man with quaffed light brown hair sitting in front of me. Overjoyed I had sprung up out of my seat and practically gave everyone, including the man who wasn't Connor, a heart attack. Talk about major embarrassment.

I sighed again, throwing the towel down on the ground, and then place my phone and key with it. It was only 2 here, so most people were either out for lunch or exploring whatever it is Alaska has to offer. Since it was half light out it looked the same as a California afternoon. Which bothered me greatly.

I walked over to the heavy curtains on the windows, which were probably there for when Alaska is completely light, and I shut them. This made it seem like it was later than it actually was.

I actually began to relax now. I was doing something for me. Something I would look back on when I was older and be glad I took this opportunity. Sure it meant losing Connor, but I would seem him again when I went to California for the tour.

My mind began to empty of everything that had happened these past few months. I just focused on the warm water and bubbling jets and how relaxing they were.

But then my mind began to worry. If I'm going back to California... I'm going to have to do this all over again. I'm going to have to leave Connor all over again.

My panic was interrupted by my iPhone buzzing against the cemented floors. It made me jump, and I quickly grabbed it to see what was causing this to happen. It was a phone call.

From Ricky.

"Hello?" I tried to say as normal as possible.

"Hey, Luce, I hope you're settling in well. Is the hotel nice? Room nice? How's the food, have you tried the food yet?" There was something he needed to tell me. When he talked fast and jittery. It was never good.

"Ricky, what's wrong?"

"Um. N-nothing. Nothing's wrong. What makes you... thinks somethings... wrong. Uh. Quick question. Has... Connor. Uh. Contacted you at all?" His name hurt. The sound of the letters, everything.

I didn't realize how long it took me to respond until the timer on the jets beeped.

"Uh. No," I managed to speak.

"Okay... Um. Not to worry you. Because you know we don't want to worry you."


"Everyone. Connor kind of freaked after you left and we aren't sure where he went. He kind of just left us and ran off somewhere."


Sorry for the wait, but it's here (:

And if you're confused about why Connor ditched... Lunar Chapter 23 it'll clear things up 

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