Chapter 4

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Connor's POV

"What about her?" Jc pointed.

"Are we doing this again?"

For the past week on the road, whenever Jc and I were together, and whenever a girl our age, no offense to the fans, walked by, he'd say the same thing. Over. And over. And over again. 

"But she-"



"Go talk to Lia or something."

"Jeez, just trying to be a good friend," Jc mumbled, scattering off.

I didn't like being mean to Jc, but he didn't understand. The only one here who did never wanted to talk about it. Understood. I'm still like that two. But now that two of us are going through heartbreak... We need a serious Kian-Connor bromance.

I looked around the tour bus. Sam was catching up on sleep. Jc was in the bathroom talking to Lia on the phone. Ricky was engulfed in his DS playing Pokemon. And Trevor was on his computer listening to music through his headphones.

It was safe to say no one would even know if me and Kian were to have a heart-to-heart conversation.

He sat on the couch across from me staring out the window. Was I really going to do this? He won't even talk about it with Ricky.

"Kian," the moment the name left my mouth his head turned towards me.

"I knew you'd say it.... eventually." He looked sad.

I couldn't blame him. As much as I'd like to say Kian and Andrea will get back together, I can't guarantee anything.

"I understand what you're going through."

"We going through the same thing."

"At least Jc hasn't bachelored you off yet. He practically throws me at every girl."

"Yeah, but you do still have Lucy, Connor. Your relationship isn't completely over."

"I wouldn't be so sure."

Kian shot me a confused look. I had never told anyone about this. But here I was. About to open my mouth and spill everything.

"Kian," I sighed, "I haven't talked to Lucy since our fight. We're both so busy. And I'm afraid if I call her she'll be mad I hadn't earlier. Our relationship sailed a long time ago. I just never told you guys."

"I thought you call her every night-"

"It's a lie. I tried saying that to get everyone off my back. But the truth is, me and Lucy never talk. If that doesn't scream end of relationship I don't know what does."

"You should try calling her."

Kian threw me my phone, which was sat on the couch next to him. He gave me a half smile that said 'do it.'

"Better late then never," he persuaded.

Lucy's POV

"No! I never said that!" I practically yelled, laughing.

I was standing in the middle of a party thrown for the success of my tour. We were in New York City. What used to remind me of my past was now a place of success for my future. I held a beer in my left hand and was using my right to keep from toppling over.

I'm an awful drunk, I mean I barely finished one beer and I'm already the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

"She's lying," Marcus laughed. He was trying to convince his colleagues, and I guess my colleagues, that I said Marcus sucks at painting. I just said it's not as easy as it looks.

"Uncle Marcus, quite a turn-out!" I turned my head to see a gorgeous guy about my age. Uncle Marcus? Marcus has a nephew? 

"Lucas, I'd like you to meet Lucy."

"Hi, it's-uh-nice to meet you, Lucas," I said outstretching my hand.

"Plessure's all mine, Lucy," Lucas said grabbing my hand and winking directly at me.

"I invited him to get you to forget about that boy," Marcus practically shouted as opposed to whispering. It seems Marcus is an awful drunk as well.

"Thanks," I said through my teeth.

"Why don't we-"

Before Lucas could finish his sentence I nodded in agreement, leading the way away from Marcus. We exited the room to a balcony. I placed my phone down on the table near where we stood.

"You're beautiful," Lucas had a crooked smile.

"Thank you, you're not so bad yourself."

"Why don't we ditch this place. My hotel's not too far from here."

"Nice offer, but I-uh kinda have a boyfriend..." I murmured, beginning to feel uncomfortable. I mean it's not technically true...But it can't be that hard to believe. Who am I kidding? We haven't talked in a few weeks. He'll never call. I should have never freaked out on him. He probably hates me now.

"My Uncle tells me you dumped him for your career."

"I wouldn't put it that way-"

"I would."


"Why don't we just start over," he smiled, "I'm Lucas." He outstretched his arm similar to my gesture before.

"I'll be right back."

I faked a smile while turning on my heel. I needed a drink. And that was big coming from me. What a jerk. Ugh a grade-a sleeze ball. I will not go near him for the rest of the night. Heck that. The rest of my life. The funny thing is, he thinks I'm coming back, but - SHIT! NO! Why am I so mental. I left my phone with the slime. Now I have to go back. This is not happening.

I stormed back towards the balcony, where Lucas still stood. Holding my-

"What are you doing with my phone!" I yelled.

"'Connor' kept calling. So I kept voicemailing him. Then 'Kian' so I voicemailed him, too. I thought you said you had one boyfriend. Not two."

"What's that matter with you!" I shout. "Do you understand how long I've been waiting for that call? No you don't! You don't understand!"

"Geez. Someone has their period," he mumbled, probably hoping I didn't hear. Oh, I heard him loud and clear.

"Why do you still have my phone? Give me it!" 

I launched myself at Lucas, grabbing hold of the phone. However, he was hanging on. Why does he want my phone. That makes no sense. He was stronger than me and I knew that, so I let go of my grasp. Which was the worst idea I ever had. And I ended my relationship with Connor just to see this.

To see my perfect iPhone, no scratches, no cracks, soar eight stories down and crash on the floor. I peered over the edge. It. Was. Destroyed. I was about to scream my head off at Lucas, but when I turned around, he was gone.


Connor's POV

"This isn't like her," Kian said, "She should have answered by now... Right?"

"Right. No matter how mad she could possibly be at me, she wouldn't be able to have her phone continuously going off."

"Now it's just going strait to voicemail."

"Wow. She turned her phone off to avoid talking to me."

"You don't know that... maybe it-it... died?"

"The only thing that died is my chances with her. Maybe Jc's right. Maybe I just need to move on."


I know this is really short, and I know you all hate me right now. But it's 12 at night and I have a regents tomorrow. I'm really sorry. I only have three more to worry about and then I can write until I can't anymore. I hope you guys understand (:

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