Chapter 17

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Connor's POV

The room wasn't big, then again, I wasn't expecting it to be. 

I had decided to spend my birthday alone. I didn't want all the drama of o2l, or the loud environment of Tyler and Troye. I just wanted to have a quiet day to myself.

Usually the o2l guys and I would go out on Jc's birthday for dinner and celebrate both of ours, and then on my birthday we would all go out to lunch.

But this year I wasn't feeling that. I couldn't hang out with them anymore. Too many bad memories. I would never admit it to myself, but all they do is remind me of Lucy, and I need to move on from that.

I laid in my cheap hotel bed. At least it's quiet. As if my phone read my mind it began to ring. I let out a sigh, and picked it up from the side table.


"Hi, Connor, it's Tyler."

"I know. There's this thing called caller id."

"I have to ask you something."


"I don't mean to get all serious on you, but did you know that Lucy came home today?"

"Yeah. And?"

"Well... it's just... Lucy came home, and you left? Is that why you left?"

"Lucy is not important enough to make me leave."

"I know you don't mean that. You were your happiest when you were with Lucy. All you've been saying lately is that you want to be happy. You have the chance to be happy again. Why are you choosing to not be happy?"

"Why does everyone think that Lucy is the reason I got depressed?" I muttered.

"Are you being serious?"


"Connor. You really need to reevaluate yourself. You've been sad ever since you and Lucy stopped talking. You've been different ever since. Why cant you see that?"

"Why can't you all see that Lucy is not important to me? She was... but not anymore. Okay?"

"Connor, you love her, why can't you just admit it."

"I don't love her."

"So what? You hate her?"

"Hate isn't the opposite of love. Indifference is. Love is caring. When you hate you're still caring. I don't care anymore."


"Wow, what?"

"Wow, you've been telling yourself your indifferent ever since she left that you are now believing it."

"I'm believing the truth, Tyler."

"Fine. Then I'll tell Lucy that. I'll tell her you don't care anymore."

"No, don't do that!"

"Why not? If it's the truth-"

"It'll crush her."

"But finding out that you left the days she planned to see you again won't? And I thought you didn't care. It sounds like you care if it hurts her."

"I-I don't care."

"Con, you care."

"Why should I care about a girl who got over me."

"I'm sorry, are we talking about the same person? When did Lucy get over you?"

"I've told you before," I sighed, "That Lucas guy."

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