Chapter 7

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Connor's POV

"So, who were you thinking of setting me up with?" I asked Jc quietly.

He furrowed his eyebrows as a response.

"I just want to keep my options open," Lucy certainly has.

"Maybe that... wasn't one of my best ideas. Why don't you just wait a little bit?"

"I thought you wanted me to find someone knew."

"Is this about what I said to Kian? You weren't supposed to take that advice it wasn't for-"

"What did you say to Kian?"

"I... have to... go. Now."

"Go where."

"The moon, bye, see you when I see you, cause I'm on the moon?"

The moon? What did he say to Kian? And why couldn't I take this advice? 

"Hey, Kian?" I called.

"Yeah," he yelled walking over to me.

"What did Jc say to you?"


"I just want to know."


"Will you just tell me?"


"Will you tell me now?" I asked a bit annoyed after three minutes of silence.

"Oh, he just told me I should get back out there. You know, forget Andrea, and just be happy again."

Hmm... why wouldn't Jc want me to take his advice?

"He knows that you still care for Lucy deep down, and a rebound girl won't help."

Lucy's POV

"Liam! Delete that tweet right now!" I said running into his room and grabbing the phone from off of his bed.

"Calm down, it's been up for three minutes."

"Three minutes can mean a lifetime."


"I don't know, I'm flustered."

"Why are you freaking out, it's just a joke," Liam laughed taking his phone out of my hand. "There, it's deleted."

"Thank god!"

"You two are crazy," Brayden said exiting Liam's room. Probably to get food. He's always hungry.

So much has happened in two days. My boss' nephew tried to hook up with me. Then he threw my phone off a balcony. My pyscho ex came over. Liam practically ruined my life with a dumb tweet. And my tour isn't even half over... It's only a quarter over. 

Wow. That means the o2l tour is practically over... I wish September would come faster.

"Hey, Liam, can I-um borrow your phone?"

"Why? Connor still hasn't called you back on your crap phone?" Liam laughed.

How did he know that. I never told him about that. M,y face showed confusion.

"You talk in your sleep."

Welp. That's embarrassing. Good thing Brayden left the room.

"Can I have it, or not?"

"Yeah, here." He threw his phone at me, and me being the spazz I am, failed to catch it."You know, when people throw things to you, you are suppose to catch them. That's why you were born with hands."

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