Chapter 2

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Lucy's POV

"He kind of just left us and ran off somewhere."

Before I could think, I blurted out, "I know where he is!"

"Really! That's great! Guys she knows where he went!" I heard a bunch of cheering in the background.

I couldn't just give away Connor's hiding spot... could I? I don't think I would have liked it much. 

"So where is he!"

"I-I" I stuttered on what to say. "I don't think I can tell you."

The cheering stopped. The phone was silent. 

"What do you mean... you don't think you can tell me. It's just me now, Luce, I went into another room. Where is Connor." He sounded really worried.

"I don't think he wants to be found right now."

"If you won't tell me where he is... could you at least call him. I know it'll be pretty emotional. Especially today. But he's been ignoring our calls. He won't ignore yours." This time he sounded desperate. 

I sighed, "Ricky, I-"

"I don't want to pressure you into doing something you don't want. It's okay."

"No. No, I'll do it. I want to. I need to see him. This is a good excuse for me to see him."

"Before you go, blow Alaska away with your talent."

For the first time in what felt like a century, I actually, truely smiled.

"Thank you. Let's see if Connor will answer me now."

Connor's POV

I laid in the middle of the tracks looking up at the sky. There were a bunch of big white clouds drifting there way through the mid-afternoon.

"That one looks like a cloud," I remembered. 

I sat up when I heard my phone ring. I rolled my eyes.

"If the guys call me one more time." I was about to press the reject call button, when a familiarly beautiful face appeared on my screen. It was a FaceTime call. I sighed and answer the call. It felt like forever for FaceTime to connect. But it was worth the wait. Seeing Lucy again was what I desperately needed.


"Con!" she smiled, her eyes looked kind of blood-shot. I supposed mine did as well.

"How's Alaska-"

"They're really worried, Connor."

"Oh. That's why you called." It hurt knowing that Lucy had only called me because the boys were worried about me. It had nothing to do with her wanting to talk. I bet they even put her up to calling me. Because they knew I'd answer her.

"I also wanted to see you," she said looking down. It looked like she was in a pool. I taught her to swim.

"You don't have to pretend, okay? I know they put you up to this. I know you didn't actually want to call me. You probably just wanted to forget about me."

"That's not true, Connor! You know this is hard for me."

"Not as hard as it is for me. My girlfriend left me. The girl I was completely in love with left me."

She looked up. She looked more pained and more hurt than ever. "Was? I was the girl you were in love with? Wow. That was fast."

"You know that's not what I meant," I mentally face palmed myself for not being careful with my words.

"I was nice enough not to tell Ricky, your best friend who was going crazy worrying where you were, that you were at the railroad track. If I was this evil thing you're making me out to be, I would have just said 'He's at the railroad track' and not got involved. But no. I know that you don't want anyone knowing about that place. Whatever. Stay at the railroad. Imagine there's a train running you over as you lie on the old tracks. Just know that I left you because you told me to. I could have still been there if you had just grown a dick and told me you didn't want my leaving rather than insisting it was a great opportunity. When you wanna talk and not yell at me and make me feel like a horrible, you can call me. But for now. Go home to your worried friends. Bye."

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