Chapter 13

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Connor's POV

I awoke to loud pounding in my head. I rubbed my temples and slowly opened my eyes, groaning. What time is it? Wait! WHAT TIME IS IT! I was about to jump up when I saw Jc, Kian, and Ricky all standing before me.

"How are you feeling, Connor?"

"My head hurts?" I replied confused at their interrogation.

"Do you remember anything from last night?"

"Not really..." I said slowly getting up off the couch. How did I manage to fall asleep on the couch? "But, I have to go to the airport, you know. I'm going back to Minnesota to visit my mom for her birthday."

"Connor, we're pretty worried about you..." Kian said.

"Why?" I said throwing a sweatshirt on over my dirty shirt. I was going to my parents' house, who actually cared what I looked like. "Where's the Advil? There it is."

"Connor, you have a hang over, you understand that right. You're moving in hyper-speed, just slow down," Ricky said calmly.

"I don't know if you heard me but I do have to catch a plane."

"But don't you want to know what happened last night?"

They all stared at me, studying my every move. What happened that made them so freaked out. I remember having a beer before leaving with Kian to his unknown location but that was about it. I couldn't have done anything too bad. I realized they were waiting for a response.


"Should we tell him what he said to Lia?" Jc whispered to the boys expecting me not to hear. I may be hung over but my hearing still worked well.

I didn't bother waiting to hear what I said to Lia. If I was so drunk last night she'd understand that whatever I said I probably didn't mean. I walked up the steps to retrieve my luggage. I really had to get going. I had luggage that was coming home with me, but everything else packed was the remains of my room which I had to drop off at Tyler's house. Since the O2L house would no longer be ours when I would get back I had to leave my stuff there until I settled into my apartment. 

The doorbell rang, I was hoping it was the taxi I scheduled to pick me up, the guys were acting weird and I just wanted to be home again.

"Connor!" Kian yelled.

"You might want to come down here..." Ricky shouted uneasy.

I carried down most of my luggage and found a surprise at the front door.

"Connor... this is-"

"Alicia," I cut Kian off. 

"Well, we'll go get the rest of your luggage," Jc said as the other two boys followed him up the stairs.

Once they were out of sight, I fixed my gaze back on Alicia. The girl who practically ruined one of my dates, who I hadn't seen since. Or... is that what they were trying to tell me?

"Feeling better?" she smirked.

"What did you do to me last night?"

"I did nothing! You were the one who seemed to be all over me."

"I would never do that!"

"And why not?"

"Because I love-"

"Lucy? And where is Lucy, Connor? Not here. She clearly wasn't there last night. And you clearly don't love her anymore, you're just trying to convince yourself you do. But the truth is, you stopped loving her the second she picked her career over you."

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