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Louis sat in front of Harry's desk, looking around his office as Harry stared at him.

"So Louis, I've heard a lot about you," Harry said, leaning back into his seat.

The younger boy shrugged. "I guess I'm a popular subject around here."

Harry smirked at that and got up, walking around his desk to sit on the front of it. "You're cute, Louis. I must say, I can see why my brother likes you so much."

At the mention of Edward, Louis rolled his eyes. "You're brother is a brute."

"Edward has been hiding you from me as soon as he got you, sadly. Otherwise, I would have taken you from him as soon as you opened your eyes," Harry sighed before continuing, "I know that my brother can be controlling at times, he rarely makes good first impressions."

Louis nodded and played with the seams of Edward's jacket, not noticing the way Harry was looking at him.

"Louis you're very beautiful."

"Yeah, thanks I guess."

"I'm very jealous of Edward."


"I do understand why he chose you."

"Why would he choose me? I have other siblings, I'm not that special."

Harry raised a brow. "Louis, my love, do you believe that Edward bought you without a reason? Darling, you're your father's favorite, you're beautiful, and you're your father's only son, making you the potential boss. Trust me when I say this, my brother isn't dumb, I'm sure he has his plans for you."


Ever since Louis spent the day with Harry, he had been awful quiet around Edward. Harry's words just made the boy think, Edward could do whatever he wanted to with him. Louis decided that he would try not to give Edward any reasons to kill him.

Don't get him wrong, Edward appreciated the silence, it just made him worry after a couple of days (not that we would ever admit that.)

It was a week after Louis and Harry's conversation, and Edward was in his room, watching Louis while he read a book.

"Are you hungry?"

The boy glanced up at Edward and shook his head, he couldn't bear to look at him for more than a couple of seconds. "I'm fine, thank you."

Edward nodded and stared at Louis. He was wearing one of Edward's shirts, while he sat in the same chair he first saw Edward in.

"Are you depressed?"

Louis mumbled behind his copy of Macbeth, "I mean, I was kidnapped, that isn't a very happy situation."

"Is there anything that I can do to, um, make you comfortable?" Edward attempted to smile but it looked more like he was in pain.

For that Louis had to stare. "Um, it would be nice to have my own room."

"What's so bad about mine?" Edward frowned.

"You've been staring at me read for an hour, Edward. I want privacy."

Edward groaned, "choose something else."

"I don't know, my own clothes? It'd also be nice to leave the room."

"Well you would be able to leave the room if I didn't have to worry about Harold taking you, and you look fine in my clothes," Edward huffed, crossing his arms.

"Why did you ask me what I want if you're not going to reason with me, Edward?"

"Fine, just ask for something else."

"My freedom! I want to be able to do whatever I want and say whatever I want!" Louis was standing now and yelling, he was done with Edward and whatever he was trying to achieve with the conversation.

Edward was silent for a couple of seconds before he stood up."If you want to leave so bad then fine, but you have to pay me the 6 million back."

"Let me call my Dad and I'll be able to get it for you." Louis put his hands on his hips.

"No." Edward glared. "You're a spoiled brat, always trying to get out of your problems by calling your Dad. You need to make the money yourself."

Louis huffed, "how the hell am I supposed to come up with 6 million dollars? I can't just pull money out of my ass."

Edward glanced at Louis thighs, his ass was truly something else. But the statement Louis said did make Edward think. "You can pull money out of your ass actually. I'll give you 100,000 pounds every time you make me come, I believe that's a fair deal. That's my offer, no negotiation."

With that, Edward left the room, leaving Louis alone and shocked.

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