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Marcel was a simple man.

He loved waking up to do the same thing every day, it left no room for any disappointments. But when Louis came into his life, that unchanging cycle was spun off its tracks and he didn't know how to feel about it.

Of course, he adored Louis but when the boy began to start sneaking into his room in the middle of the night he didn't know what to make of it.

The first night it happened was the day that Louis tried to choke Harry. The boy snuck out of Edward's room after the man fell asleep. Marcel was asleep too, but soft hands unbuttoning his pajama shirt woke him up.

"L-Louis?" Marcel yawned into his fist, finding his guess to be correct when his glasses were slid onto his face.

"Why do you always sleep with so many clothes on?" Louis crawled under the sheets and wrapped his arms around Marcel's chest. "Don't you get uncomfortable?"

"I-I don't know. What are you doing here, Sweetheart?" Marcel shivered at the contact but slowly came to wrap his arms around Louis' small body.

"Edward is sleepy and I'm not. I knew you'd be awake," Louis mumbled into Marcel's chest as he nudged into him.

"B-But I was sleeping before you came- Oh." Marcel widened his eyes when Louis dipped his hand under the band of his pajamas.

"You have such a nice body, Marcy. Why do you always have to hide it under so many clothes?"

"Th-Thank you. I-I just- Um... G-Get cold?" Marcel could hardly concentrate on speaking when Louis was so close to him. He didn't want to point out the placement of Louis' hand in fear that the boy didn't realize what he was doing.

Louis smiled and sat up, with the curtains opened, he could see Marcel's flustered face in the moonlight. "I get cold too sometimes."

Marcel let go of the breath he didn't know he was holding when Louis moved his hand away from Marcel's pants. "Y-You make me nervous sometimes, Sweetheart."

"You make me feel... other stuff." Louis laid on Marcel's chest, playing with his hair. "I like your hair like this, without gel you know, you look cute."

"I-I'll keep it like this then." Marcel blushed and tried to look away from Louis, but he couldn't for the life of him; his blue eyes were too pretty not to stare at.

Louis sat up quickly once he heard a yawn from the room over. He kissed Marcel's lips quickly and traced along the man's chest. "I have to go now, Marcy. I'll see you tomorrow. Won't you miss me?"

Marcel nodded quickly, adjusting himself in his pants and hoping that the boy wouldn't notice (he did.)

And just like that, Louis slipped out of Marcel's room and nuzzled back into Edward's oblivious arms, like everything that had happened before was just a dream.


"Hello?" Edward grumbled into his phone. From glancing at the clock on his nightstand he could see it was nine in the morning.

"Hey, Edward! It's me, Harry!"

Edward rolled his eyes and sat up, slowly detaching himself from Louis' tight grip. "What do you want? I appreciate my sleep, Harold."

"Well I just don't want Louis to be mad at me anymore so I'm at Whole Foods getting stuff."

Edward rubbed his a hand over his face. "Whole Foods?"

"Yeah, Louis looks like the type to be into all that shit... but anyway, what does he like?"

"If you don't know that for yourself Harold-"

"Come on, Edward! Help me out a bit, I've never had to work this hard."

Edward looked down at Louis and sighed into the phone, deciding whether or not he wanted to tell his brother.

"...He likes roses."


"Yeah, and cherry candy." Edward smiled softly down at Louis' innocent sleeping face, tucking a strand of hair behind the boy's ear. "But don't get him cherry soda because he doesn't like burping."

"Haha, I found cherry flavored condoms. Do you think he'll like that?"

"Why were you in that aisle in the first place-" Edward sighed in annoyance, "Goodbye, Harold."

"No wait-"

Edward hung up his phone and moved to lay back down next to the boy. He loved to watch him sleep, it was the only time of the day where the boy wasn't getting himself into trouble.

As Edward memorized the structure of Louis' face, he couldn't help but lay a gentle kiss on the boy's cherry lips.

He was so incredibly beautiful to Edward. Absolutely beautiful.

Edward laid back and brought the boy closer to him, relaxing at the peaceful silence while it lasted.


"Nope, no, no way. I'm not staying with him."

"You have to, Louis," Edward explained slowly, trying to get the stubborn boy to understand the situation, "me and Marcel need to go meet with someone, and Harry isn't needed. I can't just bring you along."

"Well then bring Harry!" Louis was getting annoyed, he still didn't see why he had to be left with Harry for a whole entire day.

"And leave you alone?" Edward crossed his arms, trying to make Louis understand how ridiculous the idea was.


"No, Louis. I can't do that." Edward pulled his shirt on and stood still while the boy buttoned it up for him.

"Then... make him dress up like Marcel," Louis suggested, flattening out the man's collar.

"Louis, no. I'm not going to potentially put them into trouble just because you don't like Harry." Edward adjusted his sleeves and looked down at the boy after checking himself once over in the mirror. "Now I have to go, and I expect you to behave."

"But Edward-"

"No buts. Don't be rude, don't try to hit him and don't... don't do anything you wouldn't do if I was here." Edward kissed the top of Louis' head and held his chin between his fingers. "I trust you, Doll... please don't lose my trust. I wouldn't leave him with you-"

"If I didn't absolutely have to," Louis finished off, sighing and glancing up at Edward, "I know, you tell me that a lot... just hurry back."

Edward pursed his lips at the boy and nodded once, leaving the room before Louis could object again.

Louis looked at the door as Edward shut it and sighed, it was going to be a long day.

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