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Louis woke up to the gentle humming of someone in the bathroom, the door was wide open so Louis sat up and leaned forward to see who the voice belonged to.


Normally Louis had a difficult time telling the boys apart, but the man was wearing a sweater vest and a button up (his siblings would rather be naked than wear anything like that (even though it wouldn't take much to get them naked)).

The sound of his name caught his attention, so he smiled and set down the hair brush he was previously using, walking out of the bathroom.

"Louis! H-hi," Marcel said with a grin on his face.

Louis smiled gently and yawned. "How long was I asleep for?"

"About two hours." Marcel sat down next to Louis. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine, I guess," Louis mumbled, picking some lint off of the sheets absentmindedly.

Marcel cleared his throat. "Would you l-like to, um, do something?"

"Can we leave the room?" Louis asked hopefully, although he already knew the answer. Marcel's quick head shake confirmed that.

"Well..." Louis huffed and leaned against the bed frame, looking at Marcel.

A couple of seconds passed before Louis asked, "can I pluck your eyebrows?"

Marcel made a face but didn't hesitate to agree, he'd do anything if it would make Louis happy again, and that seemed to do it.

The younger boy grinned and jumped out of bed, rushing over to the bathroom and taking out tweezers. He was worried Marcel would change his mind, so he rushed to begin before Marcel could protest against it.

Louis patted the space he was laying on before, Marcel sighed, but laid on the space anyway.

"Do you not like my eyebrows?" Marcel chuckled nervously, trying to find any angle to convince Louis against potentially mutilating his eyebrows.

"I do like them, but I just want to make them even better," Louis mumbled, far too concentrated on staring at the man's brows to give him a genuine answer.

"Stay still."

Marcel blushed when Louis climbed onto his lap, a leg on either side of his body. "L-Louis I don't know if- ow!"

"Oops," Louis laughed, looking at the hair left on the tweezers. "Should I count next time?"

"M-Maybe we should stop at that, I-I think they look great now that you've taken that one off," Marcel stuttered, guarding his face.

Louis had a devilish grin as he moved Marcel's arms away from his face to see the progress he had made.

"Oh quit being a baby, Marcel. You can take it."

Marcel sighed, but again didn't say anything, if it made Louis happy then he wouldn't say a word. Now he just wasn't sure he would be happy for the next thirty minutes or so, of plucking and tweezing.


Edward spent a lot of time thinking what to get Louis, he knew everything about the boy, but choosing something for him was more difficult than he had predicted. It was only once he finally found the perfect thing for the boy that he returned home.

So there he was, walking down the hallway when he heard commotion coming from his bedroom. As he got closer he made out the sound of his brother's gunts, which definitely peaked his interest.

"Louis, please!"

Edward raised a brow, but didn't open the door yet, instead he pressed his head against the door, trying to listen in on their conversation.

But once he heard Louis groan, "just take the pain, love, you can do it", he opened the door to see Louis on top of his brother.

"What in the bloody hell is this?" Edward seethed, dropping his armful of things onto the floor and furiously walking over to the bed. Just as he was about to knock his brother out, Louis' sweet laugh caught his attention.

"What?" Edward glared down at his brother and Louis. "What is this, Marcel, tell me right now."

"I-I-I wasn't- it wasn't. I-I just- um." Marcel stammered, raising his hands up in defense.

Edward grabbed him by the collar. "Tell me!" he fumed, only getting more frustrated when Louis laugh only grew louder.

"I was plucking his eyebrows, you brute," Louis said between his breathly laughter, holding up the tweezers.

"Oh... well." Edward cleared his threat and straightened out his shirt, "you may continue."

"I-I'm good! I-I have to- uh, go finish my puzzle. G-Good thing Edward is here to watch you, Louis," Marcel nervously laughed, quickly making his way to the door.

"But I haven't finished." Louis frowned and crossed his arms, he looked over at Edward. "You've scared him away."

"I think you scared him away, Darling," Edward chuckled, picking up his dropped things from the floor.

"Um, I got you some things I guess." Edward rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand.

Louis looked over in interest. "What is it?"

Edward shrugged and set a bouquet of blooming red roses onto the boy's lap.

The younger boy gasped and picked up the flowers, "Edward, thank you, they're gorgeous."

"Well that's not all I got you."

"Can I open them?" Louis asked carefully, looking over at the bags in Edward's arms.

He took a long look at Louis first, before he nodded and set the bags onto the bed. Louis crawled closer to peek inside of them, gasping to himself at the contents inside of the multiple bags.

Louis' surprise didn't come from the fact that Edward bought him clothes- no, it sprouted from the reason behind the purchase. The man was putting his pride aside to allow Louis freedom. Even if it was a small freedom, the victory was a significant one.

"Edward- I-I." Louis looked up at him with a genuine smile. "Thank you."

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